Pub. 2 2021-2022 Directory

Greetings from Chad Blincoe, 2021 AIA Idaho President I want to thank the AIA Idaho Board of Directors and the membership for the honor of serving as the 2021 AIA Idaho President and the opportunity to lead this organization during a challenging year. This beautiful publication, our annual “yearbook,” is a reminder of the high level of accomplishments of our members and the efforts of Anna Foster, our Executive Director. I am excited to see how we moved forward in the short period of time since I came on board and look forward to the future. Our membership has been actively growing, so that’s a sign of a healthy organization. We are currently at a 327-member count. Since 2018, our membership gained 55 new members, five transitioned to Emeritus status, and 21 became licensed. One of the main tasks for our board is Advocacy and Public Outreach – keeping our membership informed and the board involved in any relevant legislative topics and issues. Monthly legislative updates through the newsletter and during our board meetings have been instrumental to our board and members. We are much better prepared to act when certain legislation is introduced by other industries relevant to architecture. We have relied heavily on our lobbyist Benn Brocksome for advice and information and worked together to review legislation and support or oppose bills. Our Advocacy Committee meets several times a year and works in close communication during the legislative session. We have also been working with AIA National for help and guidance during this time. As part of this effort, we are working to create visibility and advocate for architecture through our new magazine. The first issue of “Idaho Architecture” Publication/Annual Membership Directory went out to all Idaho legislators, construction industry partners, mayors and planning and zoning departments across Idaho. We hope to offer interesting content and relevant and educational information to our members and the public in this current issue. Highlights of 2021: • We continue to sponsor the annual Construction Industry Legislative Reception and our industry partners. • Last year, AIA Idaho successfully passed the Good Sam Bill protecting Idaho Architects during emergency times. • We are currently working to establish licensing reciprocity with Canada and hope for Idaho to join the agreement that over 40 states have already joined. • We have a very active ARE Prep Group/Associate program. Eight Associate members were licensed in 2021. Congratulations to the new architects! Currently, 21 Associate members across the state are on track to licensure. • In 2021, we awarded four $500 Architectural Licensing Scholarships, encouraging Associate members to get licensed. • We continue the partnership with Idaho State Building Code Board. Our Advocacy Committee members supported the 4 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2022-23 | 1st & 4th Ketchum project tour by Pivot North Architects Ketchum, Idaho