Pub. 3 2023 Directory


4 2022: A Year in Review By Nikki Hadfield, Past President, AIA Idaho 5 Idaho Architects Are Shaping the Future By Anna Foster, Executive Director, AIA Idaho 6 Model Building Code Modifications and Impact on Sustainability By Andrew Erstad, AIA, 2023 President AIA Idaho 10 A Legacy of Creation Jeff Williams, AIA, NCARB 16 18 16 Designing the Future Stan Cole, AIA, LEEP AP 20 Celebrating Women in Architecture 22 Women in Architecture Alexis Townsend, NCARB, AIA, LEED AP 24 Women in Architecture Brook Thornton, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Cover photo courtesy of Williams | Partners Architects 2 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

©2023 AIA ID | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Idaho Architecture is published annually by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the AIA Idaho Chapter and is the official publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the AIA ID, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. Idaho Architecture is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of the AIA ID. While Idaho Architecture encourages a first-print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855.747.4003. Idaho Architecture is the annual official publication and directory of The American Institute of Architects – Idaho Chapter. AIA Idaho (208) 309-2081 34 26 Women in Architecture Patty Morgan Norberg, AIA 29 AIA Conference on Architecture 2023 30 AIA Small Firm Exchange A Conversation with Outgoing SFx Regional Representative Jennifer Cosgrove 34 The Future Looks Bright (and Energy Efficient!) at the New Swan Falls High School By Idaho Power 36 Earthquakes and Car Accidents: An Overview of Capacity Based Design and Nonlinear Analysis By Brett Goodman, SE, LEED GA 38 Firm Profiles 40 AIA ID Design Awards 41 2023 AIA Idaho Design Awards Jurors 42 AIA Idaho Professional Affiliate Member Directory 44 AIA Idaho Member Directory AIA Idaho State Board President Andrew Erstad, AIA President Elect Lindsey Love, AIA Secretary Treasurer Jennifer Mohr, AIA Past President Nikki Hadfield, AIA AIA Strategic Council Representative Dave Davies, AIA SFX Representative Scott Lloyd, AIA AIA Central Idaho Section President Leah McMillan, AIA, LEED AP President Elect Ian Hoffman, AIA Secretary Treasurer Laura Davidson, AIA Associate Director Rebecca Behrens, Assoc. AIA AIA Mountain Idaho Section Chair Travis Killmer, AIA AIA Eastern Idaho Chair Greg W. Croft, AIA Secretary Treasurer Latecia Herzog, AIA, NCARB AIA Northern Idaho Chair Andrew Davis, AIA 3

2022: A Year in Review NIKKI HADFIELD, PAST PRESIDENT, AIA IDAHO Since 1951, AIA Idaho has been serving our state in various ways. Our board faced some unique challenges politically and economically. In addition, we were still fighting the effects of the global pandemic from the last two and a half years. AIA Idaho met our unique challenges head-on with success on many fronts. The 2022 legislative session held big achievements for AIA Idaho. We were able to engage in and support two pieces of legislation: • SB1232: Combined the Idaho Board of Architects and the Idaho Board of Landscape Architects (July 2022) • SB1299: Provided the Idaho Architects Board the ability to enter into Mutual Recognition with other countries through NCARB (July 2022). Idaho’s first signed Mutual Recognition Agreement is with Canada. With the passage of this bill, architects from Idaho and Canada are now able to work across the border. Since the 2020 passing of our Good Samaritan Act, we have been able to offer scholarships to our members to attend training and become SAP certified. With the seven trained and certified individuals in 2022, we formed the AIA Idaho State Disaster Committee. This bill allows us to provide volunteer services after a disaster without exposing architects to potential liability. We are continuing to work on increasing public and legislator awareness of our organization and our profession by cosponsoring the Construction Industry Legislative reception in the spring. Additionally, our publication and directory distribution is at 800 and was shared with industry partners, Idaho cities and county planning and zoning departments, and Idaho legislators. We have also established a strategic marketing plan for public awareness and outreach. We are a member of Buy Idaho, Metro Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of Idaho Cities, supporting our state in many ways. Our board was active throughout the year. This past summer, our board efforts were focused on the ongoing Idaho energy code revision. We revised our Bylaws and approved them during the September Board Meeting. Our board members attended AIA Grassroots Conference, AIA National Convention, CACE (Executive Training), and Women’s Leadership Network Conference. A big thanks to our Professional Affiliate Members for supporting AIA Idaho and our mission and offering multiple opportunities for our continuing education. Your sponsorship and partnership are much appreciated. Thank you to all the board members who volunteered their expertise and time for many hours of meetings and guiding AIA Idaho through 2022. Thank you all for the opportunity to serve as your 2022 AIA Idaho President. Sincerely, Nikki Hadfield 4 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Idaho Architects Are Shaping the Future ANNA FOSTER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AIA IDAHO Dear Friends and Colleagues, It is my pleasure to share with you the third edition of AIA Idaho’s publication Idaho Architecture. We have come a long way and I would like to thank our contributors and advertisers and our publisher, The newsLINK Group, who make this publication engaging and relevant. The profession of architecture has recently experienced a lot of growth and momentum, and it is one of the most highly demanded by society. Yet, the public still asks the question, “What do architects actually do?” There is no simple answer. Architects design buildings, but their job description involves responsibility for much more than just the design. Idaho’s landscape is shaped not only by its natural wonders but also by the creative vision of architects, whose expertise enables them to shape the built environment in ways that promote sustainability, inclusivity, and beauty. As the outlook for Idaho predicts continuing growth, our architects are tasked with a vital role in the economy. Architects are a critical component in helping the local and federal government make community infrastructure investments and steering the decisions that benefit our economy. As the advocates for health, welfare, and safety of Idaho communities, architects bring even more value to every project they undertake, especially in developing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions. While the global emphasis to reduce the carbon footprint is urgent, AIA Idaho members have the added professional responsibility to lead our state’s efforts in advancing building standards towards resiliency. Outdated building and energy codes hinder economic development and competitiveness with other states and will have longer-term impacts on our society. In today's economy, buildings that do not meet modern codes are less desirable for residents and businesses, leading to decreased demand, lower property values, higher energy costs, and higher insurance rates. States that fail to update their building and energy codes will miss out on opportunities for investment, growth and funding to support major infrastructure improvements. By mere mandate of the profession, architects contribute to the economic success of the state by building to higher standards, engaging in code advocacy, and contributing to Idaho’s economic growth and national and global standing. Some of the most important goals of our advocacy are to educate the members of the community and government about the value that regularly updated codes bring to our economy and that architects are the resource to improving our state’s economic well-being. When new legislation is proposed, a design project comes along, or a new development in your area is planned, I encourage you to connect with an Idaho architect and rely on their expertise. Please use our directory as a resource by contacting an AIA Idaho member or an AIA Idaho Professional Affiliate. Sincerely, Anna Foster “Architects are a critical component in helping the local and federal government make community infrastructure investments and steering the decisions that benefit our economy.” 5

Model Building Code Modifications and Impact on Sustainability BY ANDREW ERSTAD, AIA, FOUNDING PARTNER OF ERSTAD ARCHITECTS, 2023 PRESIDENT AIA IDAHO As architects, we have amazing resources at our fingertips in the form of standardized model building codes, aimed at establishing the baseline for public safety, health, and welfare. Through the well-informed involvement of our professional association, The American Institute of Architects (AIA), the model code development continues to progress. Inspired by legislation such as the Safe Building Code Incentive Act, model codes are improved with the focus and intent on promoting safer, more resilient building practices and reducing damage and loss of life caused by natural disasters. The same codes are pushing sustainability in the use of materials and systems and reducing energy consumption. The codes are constantly under refinement. The focus on Life Safety has also evolved the parameters of structure stability and occupant safety to include occupant health and welfare in the forms of environmental characteristics of the created space. Lighting, heating and cooling, ventilation and fresh air, and access to natural daylight continue the trend to healthier designed environments. The holistic approach of AIA and its focus on code development has broadened its advocacy to look at design not just as buildings, but the wider perspective of context and location. Buildings that respond to site context, including linkage with walkable neighborhoods, preservation or creation of green spaces, and public open areas are now recognized to support the health and vitality of occupants in modern buildings. It has been the focus of AIA to constantly inspire its members to reach higher in all aspects of design, advocate and refine model building codes, and enhance community zoning ordinances as we collectively strive to positively change the environment. AIA has a well-defined position statement on model codes and standards. The AIA Introduction to Codes and Standards identifies the goal of our industry as we continually strive to improve upon the codes in the pursuit of Life Safety, Health, and Welfare, recognizing that the model codes are constantly under scrutiny both in positive and negative perspectives. The organization responsible for writing and modifying building codes in the United States is the International Code Council (ICC). Scan the QR code to read the AIA Introduction to Codes and Standards. The ICC is a non-profit organization that develops and maintains a family of model building codes, including the International Building Code (IBC), International Residential Code (IRC), International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), and other codes that address specific types of buildings or building systems. These codes are used as a basis for building codes adopted by states, cities, and other jurisdictions across the United States. The ICC is composed of building officials, architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders in the construction industry who work together to develop and update the model codes based on the latest research, industry best practices, and input from the public. The organization also provides training and certification programs to ensure that building professionals are familiar with the codes and how to apply them. ICC is recognized as the leading organization for developing building codes in the United States and is widely respected for its expertise and commitment to improving the safety, sustainability, and resilience of buildings. The adoption of building codes in Idaho is governed by Idaho Statutes, which provide the legal framework for the state's building code adoption process. Specifically, Idaho Code Section 39-4103 authorizes the Division of Building Safety to adopt and amend building codes. Under this authority, the Division of Building Safety reviews and proposes changes to the IBC, as needed, to meet the specific needs of Idaho. The proposed changes are then subject to a public hearing process where stakeholders can provide feedback. After the public hearing process, the Idaho Building Code Board reviews and approves the proposed changes before they become part of the state building code. The Idaho Legislature has the role of final approval of the rules and stands as the final step before the formal adoption of building codes. However, the Legislature may pass laws that impact the building code adoption process, such as laws that require specific building standards or that affect the Division of Building Safety's authority to adopt and amend building codes. 6 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |


In 2022, the Idaho Department of Professional Licensure (DOPL) undertook a review of the 2018 IBC and the 2018 IRC under the Governor’s goal of reducing regulations and requirements that might be considered unnecessary or redundant and to streamline regulatory processes, reduce the regulatory burden on businesses and individuals, and improve the overall efficiency of both codes. DOPL identified a group of industry representatives familiar with the utilization and implementation of the codes. Representatives included Building Officials, Code Officials, Architects and Engineers, and professional organizations such as the Building Contractors Association, the Associated General Contractors, and AIA. The intent was to establish a collaborative effort as DOPL started the zero-based regulation (ZBR) review. Simply stated, the purpose was to streamline provisions of the IBC and IRC, reduce regulations while still protecting public health, safety, and welfare, and minimizing unnecessary burdens on individuals and businesses. The effort was to identify regulations that were redundant or overly burdensome and to consider whether alternative approaches might be more effective. The AIA Idaho’s Advocacy Committee was one of the participants in the process and chose to be engaged in the reviews, provided feedback to the suggested changes, and in many cases, argued successfully for the replacement of sections identified for removal. In the AIA’s Introduction to Codes and Standards, it recognizes processes such as this as part of code evolution. The most scrutinized aspects in the codes were the provisions of energy conservation. The 2018 IBC contains several energy conservation provisions aimed at reducing the energy consumption of buildings. Some of the key provisions include: • Building Envelope Requirements establishing building envelope design and construction, including insulation, air leakage, and fenestration. These requirements are designed to reduce the amount of energy lost through the building envelope. • HVAC Requirements for HVAC systems, including minimum efficiency standards for equipment and ductwork, and requirements for air distribution systems. These requirements are intended to reduce the energy consumption of HVAC systems. • Lighting Requirements for lighting systems, including minimum efficiency standards for lamps and ballasts, and requirements for automatic lighting controls. These requirements are designed to reduce the amount of energy consumed by lighting systems. • Renewable Energy provisions for the use of renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines. These provisions encourage the use of renewable energy sources to reduce the overall energy consumption of buildings. • Commissioning Requirements for building commissioning, which involve verifying that building systems are operating as designed and ensuring that energyconsuming systems are operating efficiently. The energy conservation provisions of the 2018 IBC set minimum standards for building design and construction and are designed to reduce the energy consumption of buildings while promoting the use of energy-efficient and renewable energy systems. In tandem with the advancement of the IBC, AIA has supported the establishment 8 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

in 1998 of the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), a model energy code that sets minimum standards for the energy efficiency of buildings. The IECC includes requirements for specific levels of insulation, air sealing, and lighting efficiency that are not included in the IBC. Additionally, the IECC includes requirements for mandatory blower door testing to measure a building's air leakage rate, which is not required by the IBC. Idaho has adopted modified versions of both the 2018 IECC for Residential and the 2015 IECC for Commercial buildings. While there is some overlap between the two codes, the IECC has more specific and detailed energy efficiency requirements than the IBC. Both codes contain provisions related to energy conservation, the IECC is more focused on energy efficiency and includes more specific requirements for achieving energy savings in buildings. Why is this important in our industry? According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), buildings (residential, commercial, and industrial) account for approximately 40% of total energy consumption in the United States. This includes energy used for heating, cooling, lighting, and powering appliances and electronics. The energy consumption of buildings in the United States is considerable and has a significant impact on the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. As a result, improving the energy efficiency of buildings is a key strategy for reducing energy consumption and mitigating the environmental impact of buildings. This can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient building designs, materials, and technologies, as well as through changes in behavior and building management practices. With this background, one of the most challenging aspects of the ZBR process was DOPL’s evaluation and proposed edits of the energy provisions in both the IBC and IRC. While the state has adopted highly edited versions of the IECC as the statewide energy code, many of the current provisions have been overwritten with less restrictive provisions found in previous versions of the IECC. At the end of the 2022 DOPL efforts, it became apparent that the process met with such resistance and lack of consensus that it was ceased. We believe that the effort will reemerge this spring with a renewed focus on a truly collaborative effort between all parties. Each one of us should be engaged in the process of modifying our model codes. Our professional knowledge and experience is exceptionally valuable and should be relied upon in the process of code modifications. As architects, we are asked to interpret our model building codes as they impact the built environment. We have leadership from our professional association, the American Institute of Architects, with well-crafted position statements that help guide us when navigating code revisions. The same support encourages us to take the long position when advocating for proactive code modifications in support of life safety, health, welfare, and energy conservation language. As architects, we are empowered to think bigger than just the codes, to strive to raise the bar, and to educate our clients to follow pursuit. As the DOPL ZBR process resumes, get involved, be heard, and advocate for the future. b architecture interior design boise, idaho Photos courtesy of erstad ARCHITECTS 9

A Legacy of Creation Jeff Williams, AIA, NCARB Founding Principal, Williams | Partners Architects 10 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Jeff Williams, Founding Principal of Williams | Partners Architects, has been designing homes in the Sun Valley area since 1992. His goal, and that of his partners and associates, is to deliver quality service to the clients with whom they engage. Williams | Partners has amassed an impressive resume of projects, an illustrious listing of awards, and has enjoyed its share of notable magazine exposure. Recently, as part of our “Legends” series, AIA Idaho had the opportunity to speak to Jeff. He was gracious with his time, and we hope you enjoy learning more about one of Idaho’s own architectural mavens. When and why did you decide to become an architect? [It’s] kind of a long story. Our family moved around a lot when I was a kid as my dad climbed the corporate ladder. In those days, your success within a company depended on your willingness to relocate as needed. So, our family as a unit became accustomed to looking at houses as we moved to new areas. We would drive around different neighborhoods and discuss design and schools, etc. When I was in maybe the fifth grade, my older brother was on track to becoming an architect. He took construction drawings from a house we once thought we would build (we moved before that could happen) and made a large-scale model of the project, complete with balsa wood 2x4s and plaster walls for concrete foundation walls. His project fascinated me, and I was bitten by the bug myself. (He later changed his mind about his profession when he felt he was too weak in mathematics.) Several times after that, while still in lower grades, I took architecture or art classes with architecture emphasis and designed several houses. Years later, I headed to college, not committing to my major. I also felt I was not strong in mathematics, and my father pushed me hard to get a business degree. In the middle of my freshman year at Washington State University (WSU), I wandered into the Landscape Architecture department studios (I mistakenly thought it was the architecture department) and decided then and there that architecture was what I wanted to do, and later that week, met with the chairman of the department and committed to it. On top of all that, my great-grandfather was an architect who practiced in Denver and Seattle. And although he passed away before I was born, he was an inspiration to the extended family long after he was gone; many of my older relatives told me 11

that at some point in their lives, they also wanted to become architects. Not only had he been successful and influential in his architecture practice, but he had also been the Chairman of the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington for 15 years, been President of the Seattle Chapter of the AIA for two terms and elevated to Fellow in 1934. His name was Harlan Thomas. What is your favorite architectural style? Did any architect, in particular, inspire you? While in school, I was a total architectural history junkie. I used to hang out in the rare books section of the architectural library and read virtually every book, soaking it all in. Over the years, while fans of many architects, my two favorites were mostly reduced to Frank Lloyd Wright and Louis Kahn. I loved the way Wright’s work came alive and was fluid and dynamic architectural sculpture. His work was very expressive and, for me, showy and very intoxicating. The natural materials he used connected the building to the earth and grounded the composition with an authenticity that most period houses did not. Kahn’s work came from a different place and showed how a completely different approach to design could yield great work. His work struck me as poetic and reductive, introspective and calm. His work felt like it had a spiritual basis, a centered approach where inspiration comes from within. Tell us about your university education at Washington State University. I loved attending WSU. The location in the Palouse seemed magical; I had never lived in such a remote and rural area. Many of my fellow students from cities and suburbs were quite uncomfortable with the location, but I felt I had found, if not a permanent home, a contrasting vision from the typical urban and suburban lifestyle. This, plus living three years after graduation in rural Skagit Valley in western Washington state, was a big part of my desire to live in a small community. My education at WSU was self-driven. I didn’t have many strong influential mentors. I worked very long hours until my health became affected, but then I backed off only enough to keep going. Guidance from my professors seemed minimal, but short comments here and there were all it took to open my eyes to possibility. I always loved the suggestions that caused me to consider a deeper and broader approach. I felt that college was the place to be a bit unrealistic and more open to possibilities than expedited solutions of the workplace. Who were your mentors? I tried to see the leaders in the field as my mentors. And in the summer before my last year in college and the year after graduation, I traveled quite a bit to see as much architecture in person as possible. The year after graduation, I drove 17,000 miles around the country following the trail of what I considered important historical and contemporary work. (Later on, I did a similar thing in Europe.) 12 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Tell us about the journey of working as a sole proprietor at Jeffrey Charles Williams Architect to becoming an incorporated firm as Williams | Partners Architects. My work history began while still in school. I spent two summers working in the Seattle area for architects as an intern in the late 1970s. After graduation, I planned to work for the best architects I could in the Seattle area and discover what kind of office suited me. I worked for sole proprietors, mid-sized offices and at one of the largest firms in the world. It was clear to me that in small firms, I would be exposed to more aspects of the process and also, the work was generally on smaller projects that cycled faster. Once I moved to Idaho, I worked for smaller firms but yearned to have the freedom to design on my own. As I started my own business, I worked as a sole proprietor for seven years doing everything from bookkeeping to cleaning the office. It felt cleansing. Those were tough times as well, and I learned that every kind of work kept the office going. Eventually, I needed help with the amount of work that had come my way, and things progressed with a boom about 10 years in, which led to my first experience with partners. The Great Recession came immediately after, and a whole new cycle began. It took another 10 years before I returned to a scenario with partners in the business. How has your career evolved over the years? What I learned during the first 20 years of my business was to provide value to my clients; it wasn’t about me, it was about what I could do for them. But I was always keen to provide more than they expected. Working through many years of tough economy and competition, skills were honed to provide simple and direct projects that reached as far as clients were willing to go. Many budgets limited our ambitions, but we could still get design awards doing this kind of thing. Lately, clients and the economy have changed, ambitions have changed, but we still strive to provide sensible design and seek sensible clients for work that fits with context and environment. What career accomplishment are you proudest of? Over the years, we have created a number of projects we are very proud of. One constant over the years is that we never decide what a project should be at one moment early in the design process. It’s more like carving a shape out of a chunk of wood, modifying the shape as you discover more of the nature of the piece of wood you are working on. Knots, shifts in grain direction force you to rethink the outcome so that in the end, you are surprised but satisfied with the result. In our world of digital media, new and innovative imagery of design solutions are spread around the world instantly. Fads become worldwide within a short period of time, and buildings in Idaho look like buildings anywhere in the world. It can be intoxicating, as I mentioned before, but we are proud of building projects that reflect context, environment and the client as much as possible. The building becomes linked to its place in Idaho, then to broader influences. 13

How do you feel about the evolution of the architectural industry during your career as an architect? The evolution of the part of the architectural industry I am involved with has evolved a lot, but it has to keep evolving to keep up with the needs of the world. It sometimes is painfully slow, but progress is being made with every new generation of clients, designers and builders. Designers can always find new ways to use new materials; it’s part of our DNA, but someone needs to pay for it, and someone needs to develop it. What is your favorite project you have worked on? Our favorite projects are client-related. We have been blessed to have some really terrific people to work for. The best are brave in that they don’t have fixed images in their head when they start; they are open to unfamiliar things and trust the process and our experience. Not that they give us carte blanche, they certainly don’t, but they tell us what they want in terms of lifestyle and use, and we work through what that means. What do you see as the biggest challenge for Idaho architects today? Cost of construction is a big problem, so once again, the problem for architects is providing value to their clients. Architects need to understand the value issue and what it means to do good design work within a strict budget. What is the value added by using an architect? From many clients’ and builders’ points of view, value in the housing market has led to big houses with big volumes with big gestures. The commonly called “McMansion” is in evidence throughout the country. Most are unbelievably ugly and misguided. What can Idaho do to try to manage growth? This is a huge issue handled differently in communities of different scales. I feel that most Idahoans would like to live in towns with a unique identity and don’t feel like “Anywhere USA.” But looking to the past is not the way to solve the problems in growing communities. In our own area, people fight to keep things the same by fighting change via zoning regulations that just move development to a new place. Towns need to plan for the future, not fight it. Rural areas should be preserved, and towns need to accommodate change and growth in a way that deals with density, scale and circulation that builds the culture of the town and creates places that help define community identity. What can architects do to address affordable housing in Idaho? Architects are quite willing to design such projects, but few developers are interested in projects of such limited profitability. I’ve toured projects that use a variety of techniques to reduce costs, from modular to prefab components to conventional construction. But somehow, the financing of the projects must rise to the need. Good design will follow. Final thoughts to pass on to up-and-coming architects? The future is yours. Dive in, get to know how things work but always keep your mind on the future, where everything will be done differently. Quality is always the point, but how you get there will be different in five years. Be flexible, talk to many people in the industry, keep your ears and eyes open. Try new things, find young clients who want to experiment. Have fun! Any last thoughts? As someone who has maintained a business for over 30 years, I guess I can say I worked hard to figure out what I wanted in this profession when I was young, then worked to keep my eyes on that goal. That goal has remained the same for me, and I am happy I didn’t get distracted by things I didn’t really want. Luckily, what I wanted workwise remained the same, so I broadened my life by adding family, where I choose to live, and a healthy lifestyle. b Photos courtesy of Williams | Partners Architects 14 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Designing the Future Stan Cole, AIA, LEEP AP Principal Emeritus, COLE Architects 16 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Since establishing COLE Architects in 1995, Stan hasn’t spent much time sitting still. Over his 40 years in architecture, he has attained licensure in 13 states and his designs have won many local and regional awards. He is the past President of the Idaho Central Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and a past board member of Idaho's architectural licensing board. He has also contributed to civic organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County, Urban Land Institute, Ronald McDonald House, and BOMA. We had the chance to sit down with Stan to learn more about him and his amazing career. We enjoyed getting to know him and hope you will too. When and why did you decide to become an architect? As a child, I always dabbled with floor plans, and I grew up on a farm where I could build lavish play structures (forts). I loved art and sketching. I didn’t make the conscious effort to pursue architecture until my second year in college. Through a friend, I was introduced to an architecture student studying at Washington State University. I was fascinated with the models, drawings and the combination of technology and art. It looked like a fascinating profession. What is your favorite architectural style? Modern and/or Prairie style — design that integrates the landscape into the overall character. Did any architect, in particular, inspire you? Frank Lloyd Wright. In our fourth year of architecture school, we took a field trip to Chicago, and we toured the Frederick C. Robie House, Johnson Wax Headquarters, and the Unitarian Meeting House that Frank Lloyd Wright had designed. I have since toured and studied many of Frank Lloyd Wright’s buildings, including Fallingwater, Kentuck Knob, Teater’s Knoll and a traveling exhibit of Usonian home. Tell us about your university education. I attended Washington State University to obtain my Bachelor of Architecture degree. Our design studios were based on modern design influences, but not on specific architects. We were exposed to means and methods to develop functional designs based on specific program requirements. My educational experience was enhanced by doing drafting and designing for contractors during summer breaks. Who were your mentors? Upon graduation, I moved to Seattle to work. Richard Lawson of Richard Lawson Architects was my best mentor. Rich was instrumental in allowing me to gain a wellrounded architectural experience in design, project management and construction administration. It was a small architectural practice with a very hands-on approach. Tell us about your journey of starting a firm. I have always wanted to have my own firm — I envisioned the freedom to make my own destiny. My wife and I moved to Boise in 1990 when Boise was still a young, growing, small, urban area. Prior to starting my firm, I designed homes for a custom home 17

builder and was a project manager for the State of Idaho Division of Public Works and a medium-sized architectural firm. The relationships I developed working for a diversity of entities provided me with my first clients. How has your career evolved over the years? I have always tried to use technology to stay ahead of the curve. When I initially started the firm, a conscious decision was made to use computer software and hardware — so all of our staff had to be computer literate. We were one of the first firms in Idaho to have a webpage. Our firm was one of the first to embrace sustainability in our designs, and our office, in 2004, was one of the first privately funded, sustainably designed and built projects. What career accomplishment are you proudest of? I am most proud that, as I go into retirement, the firm will continue to grow and flourish. I have been lucky to find individuals who are committed to the same philosophy that I based the firm on. Our firm has always been heavily involved in community-based, nonprofit organizations. Over the years, we have provided pro bono services to the Black History Museum, Boys and Girls Clubs and Ronald McDonald House. All of these organizations are critical to our community and who we are. How do you feel about the evolution of the architectural industry during your career as an architect? When I graduated from college, we were still using a T-square and drafting on mylar or vellum sheets. Today, we are using BIMs (building information modeling) that allow us to use computer technology to build computer modeling in real time. The technology is continuing to evolve and change, including AR/VRaugmented reality/virtual reality and 3D printing. What was one of the most rewarding projects you worked on? Ahavath Beth Israel Synagogue was extremely rewarding. I was able to learn and understand about a history and culture that I wasn’t familiar with. The historic Synagogue is the oldest Jewish Synagogue West of the Mississippi and was moved up to the Boise bench and restored. We added a campus of buildings around the historic synagogue as a symbolic gesture of hands surrounding and keeping the historic synagogue safe — “in good hands.” We found a time capsule in the stone foundation during the move which included the names of the original supporters, including Levi Strauss. What do you see as the biggest challenge for Idaho architects today? Idaho architects are somewhat isolated by our geography. We need to constantly re-educate ourselves by traveling and seeking out additional education opportunities. Traveling will help expose ourselves to new methods of design, technology, materials. Education will assist in keeping architects updated on design trends, technology, materials and methods and life safety and code compliance issues. 18 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

What can Idaho do to try to manage growth? This is a very intriguing and complicated question and involves many intertwined elements of culture and politics. Some of the elements of managed growth involve mass transit/high-medium density housing/growth boundaries. Idaho is unique in that the state is relatively low in population density, except for Treasure Valley. This creates the complexity of educating our legislators who are, for the most part, from smaller rural areas which are not experiencing the rapid growth Treasure Valley is. As architects, we need to be involved with the decision-making process in our local and state governments. We need to educate the public about how good design will enhance not only the built environment, but also how people can effectively connect and interact with buildings and public spaces. Housing density and mass transportation need to be integrated into every discussion and how everyone can benefit from long-range transportation and properly planned building development. What can architects do to address affordable housing in Idaho? Architects need to be the leaders and catalysts for affordable housing. As architects, we need to assist our clients with education and development opportunities that include workforce housing. As Boise and Idaho grow, this will be an ongoing battle to overcome. Final thoughts to pass on to up-andcoming architects? For young architects, I would submit this: the architectural profession is an extremely challenging but highly rewarding career. Architecture is a fast-paced, deadline-driven profession. Architecture is not only the design of buildings but also the integration of structural, mechanical and electrical engineering and technology required to make the project functional. Architecture requires a team of talented architects, creative and knowledgeable consultants, and forward-thinking clients, all working together toward a common goal. You need to be a collaborator to be successful. Any last thoughts? I feel blessed to have had a fun and rewarding career in architecture. What other profession can you leave a physical reminder (building), and hopefully a positive impact on your community? The architecture profession also provided me the opportunity to develop long-lasting relationships and friendships with my colleagues and clients. b Photos courtesy of COLE Architects 19


CELEBRATING WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE Women in architecture are a dynamic and influential force. Idaho women architects have been breaking barriers and making significant contributions to the field for decades. In recent years, some have risen to leading positions in their firms, managing successful practices and designing major projects that shape our state's built environment. In this edition of Idaho Architecture, we are celebrating women architects, their work, leadership, and the pathways to equity they are building for the next generation. We hope you enjoy our conversation with Alexis Townsend, Brook Thornton and Patty Morgan Norberg and learn more about the challenges that women architects face in their personal and professional lives. We hope you enjoy getting to know them as much as we did. 21

Women in Architecture Alexis Townsend NCARB, AIA, LEED AP Partner & President, Lombard/Conrad Architects 22 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

Please tell us about yourself. Upon graduation from the University of Idaho, I moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin, to begin my career at an integrated architecture and engineering firm. I moved back to Idaho in the early 2000s and started working at Lombard/Conrad Architects. I started as an intern, and nearly 20 years later, I am a Partner and President of the firm. In my personal life, my husband, John, is my true partner in life. We support each other’s careers and dreams, and together, we are raising our three daughters (one age 11 and 9-year-old twins). What led you to architecture? A high school career aptitude test suggested my career matches were 1) trash collector and 2) architect. Architecture seemed more up my alley. I set out to learn more about the profession and being an architect became my career aspiration. What are your architectural specialties? Most of my experience is centered in healthcare and education. That said, Lombard/Conrad does work in nearly all public sectors, giving me the opportunity to work on a huge range of projects. What challenges have you faced in the field? Navigating my early days through the profession was difficult as a young woman. The firm’s owners — and all the architects for that matter — were men. Without a female mentor who could relate to my personal experiences, I often felt isolated and frustrated. It was especially difficult to navigate the AEC field when the physical and mental demands of pregnancy and being a new mom came into play. No one had done it before me at the firm, so the support (and just basic awareness of what I was experiencing) wasn’t in place. What is the greatest accomplishment of your professional career? Favorite project? While my greatest accomplishment is hopefully yet to come, I’m proud of several things from the past decade or so: With my fellow partners, I’ve built a culture and created new policies that “As architects, we can do better to promote women, diversity, and inclusivity in our profession.” actively support women at Lombard/ Conrad. My goal is that these culture shifts and policies trickle out into the greater architectural community and help lead change on a more global level. As architects, we can do better to promote women, diversity, and inclusivity in our profession. Why? According to NCARB, white women are the second most represented group of architects at only 19% (trailing behind white men). All other racial/ethnic and gender groups make up less than 4% of the NCARB Certificate holder population (for more information, visit nbtn2022/demographics). Nothing good comes from an entire profession that is dominated by a singular demographic of people. There’s a lot of work to do to change this, and I believe critical policies like paid parental and family leave, flexible work hours, and mentorship are great places to start. I’m proud that we’ve implemented that in our firm ... we’re already seeing the impact! As far as project accomplishments go, it’s hard to pick a favorite. Right now, I’m excited to be leading the design for the new Construction Management Building at Boise State University. Women represent less than 10% of the construction industry, so we made a point to gather an all-women design team of architects and engineers. The design of this building will play a critical role in educating the future of the construction industry, so we felt it was paramount for women to be visible leaders in the process. It is likely the only building of its kind in the state of Idaho. Have you had important mentors during your career so far? Who were they, and what was the most important lesson you learned from them? The role of an architect is to continually learn, especially from your peers. I’ve had some great teachers, all giving me an equal education in what to do and what not to do. What I’ve gathered from countless experiences — both when encountering obstacles or celebrating success — is that you can’t do it alone. It’s important to find someone who believes in you, and when you find yourself able to help someone else reach their full potential, DO IT. What three recommendations would you have for someone starting off in the industry? 1. Learn. From everyone. The seasoned drafter sitting next to you can often teach you more than a principal architect. 2. Advocate for yourself. Speak up to protect your own well-being. A 50+ hour work week is not the only way to get ahead in the profession. Pumping breast milk in a bathroom (or a closet) is not acceptable. 3. Be open-minded. You might discover you love the technical aspects of design. Or maybe Excel is as exciting to you as Revit. Never close your mind to learning new skills and concepts. Do you have any last words that summarize your thoughts for anyone reading your article? Balance is something you have to define and defend yourself — in all facets of this profession. b Photos courtesy of Lombard/Conrad Architects 23

Please tell us about yourself. I grew up here in Idaho and love this state. I married a wonderful man from Wyoming and we have two incredible daughters that keep us wildly busy. I attended the University of Idaho and graduated in 2005 with my Masters in Architecture. I came to work with LKV Architects in 2005, and in 2014, I was made a Partner in the firm. I have been learning and growing in that position since that time. What led you to architecture? I started working professionally in 2005, but have always been part of this industry. My father is a contractor and I spent several summers cleaning shops, setting grades for concrete pours and even dabbling in payroll. It was a great crash course in construction. Aside from that, I have always been drawn to creating spaces. At school, I spent hours in woodworking and sculpture classes, anything that was art in 3D form. Architecture was a natural progression from those hobbies. What are your architectural specialties? Our firm specializes in K-12 education. Within that project type, I gravitate to those that have a historical component. Renovations of historical buildings can be really challenging but also very rewarding. I enjoy seeing a space that was previously not well-suited for occupants become functional and beautiful. What challenges have you faced in the field? This is an incredibly tough industry for anyone, but I believe even more so for women. Initially, I think I spent a lot of time second-guessing myself and didn’t feel comfortable when sitting in a room, as the only female, to speak out. Trust that who you are is enough and be confident in your abilities. It took me a while to figure this out, so I hope that I can help others find that part of themselves a little earlier in their career. Women in Architecture BROOK THORNTON AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Partner, LKV Architects 24 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |

“Trust that who you are is enough and be confident in your abilities.” What is the greatest accomplishment of your professional career? Favorite project? It would be hard to narrow it down to just one project, so I will name two. I recently finished an elementary school for the Boise School District which was such a fun project. A lot of freedom was given to the architects working on their projects, so I was able to incorporate design features that really complimented the architecture of the neighborhood. The other project would be the Idaho State Museum. Working on the museum was one of the most rewarding and challenging projects of my career thus far. From start to finish, it spanned over 12 years, so I was deeply invested and had a really strong desire to see it succeed. On both of these projects, the entire team was really great to work with, which always makes such a difference. Have you had important mentors during your career so far? Who were they, and what was the most important lesson you learned from them? I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint just one person. I am blessed with a village of people that have supported me throughout my journey. I wouldn’t be where I am today without any one of them. Each has taught me something valuable ranging from how to communicate with others all the way to not underestimating my value. What three recommendations would you have for someone starting off in the industry? 1. Build up your network. Surround yourself with people that inspire you, push you and support you. 2. Find out what motivates you. The work I get to be part of inspires me daily and makes the hard times worth it. 3. Never stop learning. You can grow so much from talking with other architects, engineers and contractors. Do you have any last words that summarize your thoughts for anyone reading your article? Be true to who you are. b Photos courtesy of LKV Architects 25