Pub. 3 2023 Directory

What can Idaho do to try to manage growth? This is a very intriguing and complicated question and involves many intertwined elements of culture and politics. Some of the elements of managed growth involve mass transit/high-medium density housing/growth boundaries. Idaho is unique in that the state is relatively low in population density, except for Treasure Valley. This creates the complexity of educating our legislators who are, for the most part, from smaller rural areas which are not experiencing the rapid growth Treasure Valley is. As architects, we need to be involved with the decision-making process in our local and state governments. We need to educate the public about how good design will enhance not only the built environment, but also how people can effectively connect and interact with buildings and public spaces. Housing density and mass transportation need to be integrated into every discussion and how everyone can benefit from long-range transportation and properly planned building development. What can architects do to address affordable housing in Idaho? Architects need to be the leaders and catalysts for affordable housing. As architects, we need to assist our clients with education and development opportunities that include workforce housing. As Boise and Idaho grow, this will be an ongoing battle to overcome. Final thoughts to pass on to up-andcoming architects? For young architects, I would submit this: the architectural profession is an extremely challenging but highly rewarding career. Architecture is a fast-paced, deadline-driven profession. Architecture is not only the design of buildings but also the integration of structural, mechanical and electrical engineering and technology required to make the project functional. Architecture requires a team of talented architects, creative and knowledgeable consultants, and forward-thinking clients, all working together toward a common goal. You need to be a collaborator to be successful. Any last thoughts? I feel blessed to have had a fun and rewarding career in architecture. What other profession can you leave a physical reminder (building), and hopefully a positive impact on your community? The architecture profession also provided me the opportunity to develop long-lasting relationships and friendships with my colleagues and clients. b Photos courtesy of COLE Architects 19