Pub. 3 2023 Directory

Please tell us about yourself. I grew up here in Idaho and love this state. I married a wonderful man from Wyoming and we have two incredible daughters that keep us wildly busy. I attended the University of Idaho and graduated in 2005 with my Masters in Architecture. I came to work with LKV Architects in 2005, and in 2014, I was made a Partner in the firm. I have been learning and growing in that position since that time. What led you to architecture? I started working professionally in 2005, but have always been part of this industry. My father is a contractor and I spent several summers cleaning shops, setting grades for concrete pours and even dabbling in payroll. It was a great crash course in construction. Aside from that, I have always been drawn to creating spaces. At school, I spent hours in woodworking and sculpture classes, anything that was art in 3D form. Architecture was a natural progression from those hobbies. What are your architectural specialties? Our firm specializes in K-12 education. Within that project type, I gravitate to those that have a historical component. Renovations of historical buildings can be really challenging but also very rewarding. I enjoy seeing a space that was previously not well-suited for occupants become functional and beautiful. What challenges have you faced in the field? This is an incredibly tough industry for anyone, but I believe even more so for women. Initially, I think I spent a lot of time second-guessing myself and didn’t feel comfortable when sitting in a room, as the only female, to speak out. Trust that who you are is enough and be confident in your abilities. It took me a while to figure this out, so I hope that I can help others find that part of themselves a little earlier in their career. Women in Architecture BROOK THORNTON AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Partner, LKV Architects 24 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |