Pub. 3 2023 Directory

Have you had important mentors during your career so far? Who were they, and what was the most important lesson you learned from them? I have both great mentors and sponsors in my career and there have been a few. To name a couple, both my superiors in my early years, Herb Winters and Kent Hanway who became partners with me in my later years, were very influential in how to learn, both in the technical skills and people skills that accentuated my authentic self. What three recommendations would you have for someone starting off in the industry? 1. Be eager to learn as much as you can. 2. Volunteer for organizations where your passions are and start gathering your network of people in your generation. Find your partner/ advocate in your field where you both can interpolate and SPEAK your truth as it can be challenging for others who don’t listen or don’t understand our language. It is important as a woman to gather your advocates in your field and not just in your office. 3. Be your authentic self; be kind yet firm. Do you have any last words that summarize your thoughts for anyone reading your article? It has been, and will continue to be, a fun and exciting ride in our field. There are so many opportunities to innovate, be flexible and contribute to our industry and the build environment. Thank you as this was a great moment to reflect on and appreciate my journey. b Photos courtesy of CSHQA “It is interesting as I have worked all over the country with national accounts and had some great mentors and support from my leadership.” 28 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |