Pub. 3 2023 Directory

My advice to any new State Representative would be to identify your passion or interest (sustainability, technology, firm equity, health insurance, etc.) and figure out what is going on in your state to bring to the larger group. Often you find similar interests or issues in other states, which leads to a network of shared experiences and resources that you can take to small firms in your state. SFx on AIA Knowledge Net To learn more about the SFx organization, statistics, resources, and opportunities and find links to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, scan the QR code. Information 2023 AIA SFx State Representative Position Description The mission of the AIA Small Firm Exchange (SFx) is to advance the mutual interests of architects practicing in small firms. To read more about being a State Representative, scan the QR code. AIA SFx State Representative Application To apply for the AIA SFx State Representative position, scan the QR code. What three pieces of advice would you give to a small firm? 1. Continue to work with AIA National, State, and local leadership to find examples at other firms or in other states that have been successful at tackling challenges outside the status quo. 2. Stay connected with your community and the SFx community. Often you are not alone in a question or challenge — someone out there has probably had to tackle it. 3. Think about starting a Small Firm Roundtable in your community and reach out to your State Representative for resources and advice. In closing, Jennifer shared a list of resources to help others learn more about and get involved in SFx. b SFx 2022 Board members gather at the New School of Architecture and Design in San Diego. Photo credit: Kathleen McCormick 31