Pub. 3 2023 Directory

2022: A Year in Review NIKKI HADFIELD, PAST PRESIDENT, AIA IDAHO Since 1951, AIA Idaho has been serving our state in various ways. Our board faced some unique challenges politically and economically. In addition, we were still fighting the effects of the global pandemic from the last two and a half years. AIA Idaho met our unique challenges head-on with success on many fronts. The 2022 legislative session held big achievements for AIA Idaho. We were able to engage in and support two pieces of legislation: • SB1232: Combined the Idaho Board of Architects and the Idaho Board of Landscape Architects (July 2022) • SB1299: Provided the Idaho Architects Board the ability to enter into Mutual Recognition with other countries through NCARB (July 2022). Idaho’s first signed Mutual Recognition Agreement is with Canada. With the passage of this bill, architects from Idaho and Canada are now able to work across the border. Since the 2020 passing of our Good Samaritan Act, we have been able to offer scholarships to our members to attend training and become SAP certified. With the seven trained and certified individuals in 2022, we formed the AIA Idaho State Disaster Committee. This bill allows us to provide volunteer services after a disaster without exposing architects to potential liability. We are continuing to work on increasing public and legislator awareness of our organization and our profession by cosponsoring the Construction Industry Legislative reception in the spring. Additionally, our publication and directory distribution is at 800 and was shared with industry partners, Idaho cities and county planning and zoning departments, and Idaho legislators. We have also established a strategic marketing plan for public awareness and outreach. We are a member of Buy Idaho, Metro Chamber of Commerce, and the Association of Idaho Cities, supporting our state in many ways. Our board was active throughout the year. This past summer, our board efforts were focused on the ongoing Idaho energy code revision. We revised our Bylaws and approved them during the September Board Meeting. Our board members attended AIA Grassroots Conference, AIA National Convention, CACE (Executive Training), and Women’s Leadership Network Conference. A big thanks to our Professional Affiliate Members for supporting AIA Idaho and our mission and offering multiple opportunities for our continuing education. Your sponsorship and partnership are much appreciated. Thank you to all the board members who volunteered their expertise and time for many hours of meetings and guiding AIA Idaho through 2022. Thank you all for the opportunity to serve as your 2022 AIA Idaho President. Sincerely, Nikki Hadfield 4 AIA IDAHO ARCHITECTURE | 2023 |