Pub. 11 2021 Issue 1
6 AUTOMOBILE DEALER NEWS ILLINOIS IADA PRESIDENT’S Message | BY PETER J. SANDER O n behalf of the IADA Board of Directors and staff, I would like to thank all our members for your support of association activities this past year. 2020 was a year like no other. IADA celebrated its 100th year an- niversary dedicated to representing automobile and truck dealers’ needs in Illinois. United through membership in IADA, members seek to achieve through “one voice” that which is impossible to achieve alone. While a gala celebration was planned, unfortunately, the majority of meetings and conferences were put on hold as the industry and our country worked through the Covid 19 pan- demic. Due to the ongoing pandemic, members of the Illinois House and Senate met for only a few days after March, the fall Veto Session was canceled, and they again met in session for a few days in January prior to the inauguration of the 102nd General Assembly. Our legislative priority was the repeal of the $10,000 cap on motor vehicle trade-in credits that took effect Jan. 1, 2020. The legislation did pass the Illinois Senate but languished in the House as the House leadership failed to have the legislation to repeal the trade-in cap called for a vote during the final days of the General Assembly. Our Senate sponsor has already intro- duced this legislation in the new legislative session! The 102nd new legislative session convened in January, and with limited schedules, limited access to the Capitol, limited access to hearing rooms, and limited access to members of the General Assembly, lobbying and advocacy efforts will be very different from what we are accustomed to. Ensuring that the legislators understand our industry and the impact that proposed legislation could have on your busi- ness is a primary function of your IADA team. Being success- ful on this front relies on the relationships that we have built and continue to build with Representatives and Senators from every locality on your behalf. We encourage you now more than ever to get involved in our legislative grassroots efforts. When contacted for assis- tance, take a moment to reach out and help educate legislators on pending legislation impacting your business! We will sup- port you with key messaging and contact information, and we need your voices at the grassroots level to be effective. We have an important legislative year ahead of us. We look forward to working with you as IADA begins another 100 years in our ongoing mission to serve our membership. Thank you for your support and involvement with IADA! Sincerely, Peter J. Sander IADA President IADA: One Voice
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