Pub. 3 2022 Issue 3

TIRED OF BORROWING MONEY BEING MORE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT THAN IT NEEDS TO BE? Bank Stock and Bank Holding Company Stock Loans done the simple way Bank mergers, acquisition loans and refinances up to $50 million  Approval typically within 2 to 3 days and sometimes immediately  In many cases the loan can be started, closed and funded in less than 2 weeks  No Correspondent Bank Account relationship required  If the Federal Reserve approves it we can likely get the deal done for you  Standard Commercial Loan Documentation used in most cases  We won’t restrict you to unnecessary covenants  Limited or no reporting requirements  Limited or no origination costs  Low interest rates  Principal payments often determined with the borrower’s input on a year by year basis  In many circumstances we accept bank capital growth instead of loan principal reduction  We will come to you! Most loans initiated and closed at the borrowers home or office. Deal directly with a lender/owner who is a CPA who understands the bankin industry. Although we cannot give direct advice, we have 35 years of industr experience and can make your job far less stressful and time consuming. We will understand your transaction. You do not need to educate the lender. Our belief is to make the loan and then stay out of the banker’s way and let you do your job. You will only see us when you choose to. Call RyanGerber or Rick Gerber at 1.866.282.3501 or email ryang@chippewavalleybank.comor TIRED OF BORROWING MONEY BEING MORE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT THAN IT NEEDS TO BE? Bank Stock and Bank Holding Company Stock Loans done the simple way Bank mergers, acquisition loans and refinances up to $50 million  Approval typically within 2 to 3 days and sometimes immediately  In many cases the loan can be started, closed and funded in less than 2 weeks  No Correspondent Bank Account relationship required  If the Federal Reserve approves it we can likely get the deal done for you  Standard Commercial Loan Documentation used in most cases  We won’t restrict you to unnecessary covenants  Limited or no reporting requirements  Limited or no origination costs  Low interest rates  Principal payments often determined with the borrower’s input on a year by year basis  In many circumstances we accept bank capital growth instead of loan principal reduction  We will come to you! Most loans initiated and closed at the borrowers home or office. Deal directly with a lender/owner who is a CPA who understands the banking industry. Although we cannot give direct advice, we have 35 years of industry experience and can make your job far less stressful and time consuming. We will understand your transaction. You do not need to educate the lender. Our belief is to make the loan and then stay out of the banker’s way and let you do your job. You will only see us when you choose to. Call RyanGerber or Rick Gerber at 1.866.282.3501 or email ryang@chippewavalleybank.comor Bank mergers, a quisition loans nd re�inances up to $50 million ✓ Approval typically within 2 to 3 days and sometimes immediately ✓ In many cases the loan can be started, closed and funded in less than 2 weeks ✓ No Correspondent Bank Account relationship required ✓ If the Federal Reserve approves it we can likely get the deal done for you ✓ Standard Commercial Loan Documentation used in most cases ✓ We won’t restrict you to unnecessary covenants ✓ Limited or no reporting requirements ✓ Limited or no origination costs ✓ Low interest rates ✓ Principal payments often determined with the borrower’s input on a year by year basis ✓ In many circumstances we accept bank capital growth instead of loan principal reduction ✓ We will come to you! Most loans initiated and closed at the borrower’s home or of�ice. Deal directly with lender/owner who is a CPA and un erstands the banking industry. We hav 35 years of industry experience and can make your job far less stressful and time consuming. We understand transactions. ur belief is to ake the loan and stay out of the banker’s way and let you do o r job. Call Ryan Gerber or Rick Gerber at 1.866.282.3501 or email ryang@chippewavalleybank.comor IS BORROWING MONEY MORE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT THAN IT NEEDS TO B ? Bank Stock and Bank Holding Company Stock Loans Done the Simple Way TIRED F BORR WING M NEY BEING ORE COMPLICATED AND DIFFICULT THAN I NEEDS TO B ? Bank Stock and Bank Holding Company Stock Loans done the simple way Bank mergers, cquisition lo ns and refina ces up to $50 million  Approval typically within 2 to 3 days and s metime immediately  In many cases the lo can be started, losed and funded in less tha 2 weeks  No Correspondent Bank Account rel tionship required  If the Federal Reserve app oves it w can likely get the deal done for you  Standard Commercial Loan Documentatio used in most cases  We won’t restrict you to unnecessary covenant  Limited or no repor ing requi ments  Limited or no origination costs  Low interest rates  Principal payments ft n determined with the borrower’s input on a y ar by year b sis  In many circumstances we accept bank capital growth inste d of loan principal reduction  We will come to you! Most loans initiated and closed at the borr wers home o ffice. Deal directly with a lender/owner who is a CPA w o understands the banking industry. Although e cann t give direct advic , we have 35 years of industry experience and can m ke your job far less stressful and time consuming. We will und r tand your t ansaction. You do not need to educate the lender. Our belief is to make the loan and en stay out of the banker’s way and let you do your job. You will only see us when you choose to. Call RyanGerber or Rick Gerber at 1.866 282.3501 or ema l ryang@chippew valleybank.comor