Pub. 5 2024 Issue 3

Community bank stories also demonstrate why legislators and regulators can’t paint with a broad brush across the financial services landscape. Our ability to differentiate ourselves and explain our relationship-based approach shows who we are as businesses and how we prioritize customer needs. This storytelling pulls concepts out of the theoretical into reality. When you can demonstrate how these topics affect the lifeblood of the community, it’s transformational. For instance, our ability to convey how community banks differ from Silicon Valley Bank and other failed large banks enabled us to effectively advocate to keep most community banks out of the FDIC special assessment. We made it real for regulators, ultimately ensuring that the rule was being written to differentiate community banks from the rest of the industry — because we inherently are different. So, it’s with a spirit of community bank pride that I invite you to share your story during Capital Summit (, taking place in Washington, D.C., from April 28 to May 1. Seize this opportunity to ensure legislators recognize the community bank difference. And in the meantime, take this month to celebrate all that you do. In the eyes of all who know your story, it’s well-earned. Where I’ll Be This Month I’ll be heading to Memphis for meetings with ICBA Securities and state partners, and then I’ll be attending the ICBA Capital Summit at the end of the month. I hope you will join us! 5 In Touch