Pub. 2 2023 Issue 4

BACK-OFFICE AUTOMATION ADAPT TODAY FOR TOMORROW’S SUCCESSES By Jason Schwabline Chief Strategy Officer, Alogent, ICBC Associate Member The back-office is an integral part of any financial institution that takes care of essential business functions. But it’s often the least visible, most overlooked area when innovation projects are proposed. In today’s fast-paced, competitive environment, institutions cannot afford to fall behind. Those who have introduced automation in their back-office are realizing the long-term benefits of streamlined operations, reduced costs and improved user experiences. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages of back-office modernization and how it can save time and resources. ELIMINATING MANUAL PROCESSING & OVERHEAD Legacy image processing systems vary by institution but often require specialized IT teams for upkeep. Banks using such solutions must also consider the potential manual tasks that may be associated with these processes, like processing checks by hand and investigating discrepancies — all of which can amount to millions of dollars of additional expenses, along with hours of additional time spent. FACILITATING AUTOMATION & ACCESS TO BI By refreshing back-office operations with automation, productivity and scalability can be enhanced, better allocating resources to account holder services. This also allows executive management and line of business leaders to make decisions quicker by having access to comprehensive INDEPENDENT REPORT | 17