Pub. 3 2024 Issue 2

WHAT GHOSTING SAYS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR BANK In spite of the loss of over 6 million souls worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic did produce some positive outcomes. A few examples are: • The ability to work from home, especially for those with disabilities or who need to be available for child or elder care. • The greatly enhanced ability for those at home to have food, medicine and a host of goods and services delivered quickly. • A myriad of technological solutions to connect people by audio and video for professional as well as personal purposes. This was especially important for families who were separated geographically or where physical location might bring risks (hospitals, senior care facilities or those who are immunocompromised). • The ability to extend health care to those where travel is difficult or impossible. • An enhanced array of educational options, especially for those where attention span and technology are not a challenge. While I’ve never seen a scientific study, my gut tells me, as corroborated by the opinions of many others, that one of the negative outcomes of the pandemic is an increase in “ghosting.” According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of ghosting is “the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and By Theodore A. Rosen President, Expert Business Development, ICBC Associate Member INDEPENDENT REPORT | 17