Pub 2 2024 Issue 2

Passing the Torch Trudy Moody, Chair, MADA Dear MADA Members, It is truly remarkable how swiftly time flies. As I reflect on this year serving as chair of MADA, I find it hard to believe this will be my final report. Serving as chair has been an extraordinary journey, one that I will treasure for a lifetime. I am extremely proud to be a member of such a proactive and supportive dealer body across our great state. As a young dealer in Florida, I vividly recall attending local meetings where discussions often veered into controversy or disputes among dealers. I am happy that this has not been the case in Mississippi. This sense of teamwork has elevated us to become a formidable force within Mississippi, with MADA representing the collective interests of 215 dealerships, fostering the creation of 19,000 jobs statewide. Our role extends beyond mere commerce; in many smaller communities, our dealerships are linchpins for local government funding, driven by the sales taxes we generate ($442 million). I don’t believe there is another industry that supports local communities like car dealers. I’m particularly proud of our accomplishments at the state capitol and on the regulatory front. Meeting with Gov. Tate Reeves last year and then watching him sign HB 401 in the state capitol was a big moment for MADA. It is important to remember that we must stay vigilant and strong with our elected officials because there will be other battles in the future equally as important. Looking ahead, I eagerly anticipate the upcoming state convention in Sandestin from June 23-26, where dealers and industry partners will converge. It’s not too late to register and be part of this enriching experience. While our industry faces its share of challenges, such as EV mandates from Washington, D.C., and manufacturer pressures regarding inventory, I remain optimistic about the future. Throughout my tenure on the MADA Board of Directors and in various leadership roles, my admiration for the organization has only deepened. MADA has provided us with a unified platform, enabling us to carry out our mission to promote, advance and protect franchised automobile dealers. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the board of directors for their unwavering support and camaraderie throughout this journey, and to our president, Marty Milstead, for his never-ending enthusiasm, leadership and skill in representing MADA. I have full confidence in Paxton King, who will undoubtedly excel as our chairman. Thank you for the privilege of serving as your chair. I pledge to remain actively engaged with MADA and am always available to lend a helping hand. The future of MADA is bright, and I am excited to witness the continued growth and success of our association. Farewell, Trudy Moody Chair’s Message 4