Pub 2 2024 Issue 2

Below are the other bills of interest to MADA: CAR BUYERS GIVEN MORE TIME TO OBTAIN THEIR TAG Current law requires a new owner of a vehicle to register a car and get a tag within seven working days. After July 1, 2024, buyers of new vehicles will have 30 working days to register their vehicle and obtain a tag. COUNTERFEIT AIRBAG LAW MADA worked with The Alliance for Automotive Innovation on a new law addressing counterfeit airbags in preowned vehicles. Counterfeit airbags are a national and growing concern. The counterfeit airbags are generally offered online by unscrupulous vehicle repair shops. These counterfeits are often filled with debris, such as sawdust, newspaper or nothing at all. MADA had language put into the bill to protect franchised automobile dealers. In short, if a dealer took a vehicle on a trade and did not know that a counterfeit airbag had been installed, there would not be any criminal liability. Maintaining a proactive stance, MADA is committed to safeguarding the gains achieved through past advocacy efforts, particularly in relation to the franchise law. ENDORSED BY: ON AVERAGE, MS DEALERS ADD $60,468 IN PARTS UPLIFT ANNUALLY ARMATUS HAS COMPLETED OVER 15,500+ SUBMISSIONS NATIONWIDE ON AVERAGE, MS DEALERS ADD $53,820 IN LABOR UPLIFT ANNUALLY ARMATUS WORKS WITH 35% OF MISSISSIPPI DEALERS OUR COMMITMENT TO OUR CLIENTS: ÙYou Won’t Lift a Finger: Armatus does all the work for you. ÙFully Contingent Fee: You only pay when you are approved. ÙSpeed and Accuracy: No one completes a submission faster. ÙOptimization: Proprietary software guarantees you the best result. (888) 477-2228 | WWW.DEALERUPLIFT.COM If you have already completed a submission in-house or with another vendor, you may still have significant opportunities to gain more. If we can’t improve your results, you owe us nothing. Between our scientifically proven optimal results, and our speed of processing, we will literally pay our own fee. Reach out today for a no-obligation evaluation of your parts and labor rates. 7