Pub. 1 2023 Issue 1

PUT MISSISSIPPI FIRST I hope your year is going well so far. 2023 is certain to bring new challenges to our stores as interest rates increase and factories continue to impose new demands. As your MADA Chairman, I have been focused on legislative efforts that will clarify the franchise law regarding manufacturers owning dealerships. Your association has been working to address the problem created when Tesla circumvented the law to receive their dealer's licenses. In 2020, Tesla the manufacturer formed a strawman company, Tesla Mississippi, LLC, and contracted with themselves to receive a dealer’s license from the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission. By doing so, they circumvented 50 years of franchise law that requires a manufacturer and dealer to have a bona fide contract. If the franchise law is not clarified, any manufacturer can follow the same precedent set by Tesla, which would be devastating to the citizens of Mississippi that rely on automobile dealers for their essential transportation needs. Just as in other states, Mississippians have benefited from public policy that has created a dealership network that sells and services vehicles throughout the state. We all know that our stores are critical to serving It has been very rewarding to work along with our staff and leadership team to make MADA a great organization. our customers that depend on us for their vehicles, whether it is a purchase or service. We are asking legislators to put Mississippi first. Mississippi automobile dealers provide thousands of jobs and collect millions of dollars in sales taxes for cities and counties. Additionally, as we learned in our recent survey, dealerships pour millions of dollars into our local communities supporting charities, schools, sports teams, law enforcement, etc. June will be here before you know it, and I want to encourage you to join me and fellow dealers in Sandestin, Florida, June 18–21 for the Alabama-MississippiTennessee New Car and Truck Dealers Convention. This meeting is full of exceptional education and networking opportunities with your peers and entertainment galore. There is time to enjoy some of the country’s finest beaches. On the inside of this magazine, you will find information to register and book a hotel room. 2023 will be an election year for Mississippi. We appreciate all of those that contribute to Auto PAC, the Political Action Committee of MADA that gives money to statewide candidates and people running for the Mississippi legislature. There are very few industries that do not have a PAC, including automotive manufacturers. In short, it is critical for us to support pro-car dealer legislators. In closing, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your Chairman. It has been very rewarding to work along with our staff and leadership team to make MADA a great organization. As always, if you find that I can help you in any way, please let me know. Jeff Field Chairman's Report 4