Pub. 1 2023 Issue 2


10543 South Glenstone Place, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 • 225-769-9923 • MADA'S ENDORSED F+I PROVIDER OF PRODUCTS, TRAINING AND INCOME DEVELOPMENT A FEW OF OUR 50+ TEAM MEMBERS: Keith Decell President Jason Rasti Executive Vice President Cole Miller Director of Training Kenny Roberts Territory Manager Central MS Brandon Choina Territory Manager South MS Michael McLellan Regional Manager - MS Shelley Cavin Client Relations Manager Sunny Mayhall General Counsel

©2023 Mississippi Automobile Dealers Association (MADA) | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Mississippi Auto Dealer is published four times each year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the MADA and is the official publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the MADA, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. Mississippi Auto Dealer is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of MADA. While Mississippi Auto Dealer encourages a first-print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855.747.4003. 16 20 4 Chairman’s Report By Jeff Field 6 There’s Still Time! Register Today for the 2023 Alabama-Mississippi- Tennessee Car and Truck Dealers Convention MADA WINS MAJOR LEGISLATIVE BATTLE AT THE CAPITOL 11 Walt Massey Elected to Serve as Chairman of the MADA SIF 12 Auto PAC Plays a Major Role in MADA’s Success Interview With Roger Bacon, Auto PAC Chairman 15 Driving Mississippi’s Economy Annual Contribution of Mississippi’s New-Car Dealers 16 Butch Oustalet Recognized by NADA PAC 18 MADA Membership Benefits 19 MADA Endorsed Partners 20 Mississippi Legislator Grades 8 CONTENTSPub. 1 2023 Issue 2 3

IIt is hard to believe that my year serving as Chairman of MADA is coming to an end. I can honestly say that this has been one of the most fun and rewarding years of my life. To be totally honest, our dealership group has always supported MADA, but I had no idea about the work our association does that benefits our dealer body until I started serving on the Board of Directors. Our mission is to promote, advance, and protect franchised automobile dealers, and I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish. Getting HB 401 signed into law has been our main focus, and I’m so thankful that the Governor signed this much-needed legislation. When Attorney General Lynn Fitch gave the opinion in 2020 that Tesla could contract with themselves to receive a dealer’s license, we knew that the law had to be changed or our dealerships could be in jeopardy. In spite of many efforts to kill the bill from lobbyists hired by Tesla, Rivian, and Lucid along with some media outlets, we were able to get the legislation across the finish line. We owe a great deal of appreciation to Speaker Philip Gunn, Speaker Pro Tem Jason White, Chairman Trey Lamar, Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, Chairman Josh Harkins, Senator Daniel Sparks, and Governor Tate Reeves for their support of HB 401. Our mission is to promote, advance, and protect franchised automobile dealers and I am proud of what we have been able to accomplish. I want to thank all of the dealers in Mississippi that made telephone calls and sent texts and emails to the legislators because it made a difference. My last duty as Chairman will be at the Alabama-Mississippi-Tennessee New Car and Truck Dealers Convention in Sandestin. The convention is a great opportunity to hear from quality speakers, network with your fellow dealers, and spend some time away on some of the beautiful beaches in Florida. It is not too late to register. We would love to have you join us June 18–21, 2023. One of the biggest benefits of serving on the MADA Board is the friendships that I have made these past several years. Getting to work with such a dedicated leadership team has been a bonus. A special word of thanks goes to Immediate Past Chairman Jonathan Allen, Chair-Elect Trudy Moody, SecretaryTreasurer Paxton King, NADA Director Michael Joe Cannon, and MADA President Marty Milstead. While my time as Chairman must come to a close, you are in great hands with Chair-Elect Trudy Moody. We have a great organization and I encourage every dealer to support MADA. Thank you for giving me the honor and privilege to lead our association. Sincerely, Jeff Field Chairman’s Report 4

THERE’S STILL TIME! REGISTER TODAY for the 2023 AlabamaMississippi-Tennessee Car and Truck Dealers Convention on June 18–21 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort and Spa. Join us for engaging speakers, networking opportunities, and the exciting golf tournament. TO REGISTER, SCAN THE QR CODE 6

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MADA WINS MAJOR LEGISLATIVE BATTLE AT THE CAPITOL What has been called the most important legislation ever championed at the Mississippi Capitol by MADA was accomplished when Governor Tate Reeves signed HB 401 into law on March 14, 2023. The new law will go into effect on July 1, 2023. Although MADA has worked on franchise laws for years, this one was different. In the past, there has not been much public interest in franchise law legislation at the Capitol because it was centered around issues specific to manufacturers and automobile dealerships. But because our law involved electric vehicle companies that hired lobbyists to oppose HB 401, this turned out to be a real fight under the dome. 8

There were three different interest groups engaged in the legislative efforts: our dealerships, traditional manufacturers and three electric vehicle (EV) companies (Tesla, Rivian and Lucid). The need for HB 401 has been misunderstood by a lot of people. The electric vehicle companies made the argument that car dealers were anti-EV, and HB 401 would block Mississippians from being able to buy their vehicles. This, of course, was clearly a false narrative. The fight was never about blocking EV companies from selling their vehicles or coming to Mississippi. The legislation was needed to address the loophole that Tesla created when they came to Mississippi and circumvented 50 years of franchise law. In 2019, Tesla filed for a dealer and manufacturer’s license at the Mississippi Motor Vehicle Commission (MMVC). The Commission informed Tesla that they could not have a dealer’s license because the law requires a bona fide contract between the dealer and manufacturer as part of the application. The next step Tesla took was to form a strawman company (Tesla Mississippi, LLC) with the Secretary of State. After doing so, they contracted with themselves as a manufacturer and filed an application for a dealer’s license at the Commission under Tesla Mississippi, LLC. The Commission turned to Attorney General Lynn Fitch for an opinion on whether Tesla’s actions were permissible under the franchise law. In essence, could Tesla contract with themselves to receive a dealer’s license? In short, Attorney General Fitch opined that Tesla’s actions were not in violation of the law. Attorneys for MADA, as well as other legal scholars, believe that the Attorney General’s opinion was flawed. After the MMVC received the opinion, they granted the dealership license to Tesla Mississippi, LLC. Within a few months, 50 years of franchise law was destroyed. Mississippi was the only state in the country where any automobile manufacturer could form an LLC and contract with themselves to receive a dealer’s license. This created a disastrous precedent, and the future of Mississippi’s dealerships was at stake. Dealers go out and compete for customers every day for sales and service, but there is no way a dealership could survive if a factory opened a dealership across the street in direct competition. Mississippi would lose without locally-owned car dealerships. The franchise law has been good for Mississippi. One of the key staples of the franchise law is to prevent monopolies. The law has created small businesses across the state to serve the essential transportation needs of Mississippians. It is independently documented that customers save hundreds of dollars on the purchase of a new automobile when dealers 9

compete. Mississippi has 218 dealerships that produce 18,073 jobs and donate millions of dollars in community support. As our elected officials became educated on the issue, they understood that we needed one set of rules and a fair playing field for all dealerships. EV companies wanted their own set of rules. WHAT DOES THE LAW DO? Automobile manufacturers cannot do any of the following: • Own any ownership interest in, operate, or control any motor vehicle dealer or dealership in the state for the same type of classification of motor vehicle that it manufactures or distributes; • Apply for a motor vehicle dealer’s license; or • Be licensed as a new motor vehicle dealer in the state. The Tesla corporate-owned store that received a dealer’s license in 2021 will be allowed to keep its current location. Contrary to what has been reported and said by the opposition, HB 401 does not block or prevent any of the following: • Any Mississippian from purchasing a vehicle online • Electric vehicle companies from opening service centers. In fact, when Tesla first came to Mississippi, they opened a service center in Pearl. • The sale of electric vehicles in Mississippi Some of the main opponents voted against this bill because they said it was anti-free market. With all the subsidies that have been granted to electric vehicle companies and now a $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles, this can only be viewed as a laughable argument. The signing of HB 401 was a monumental legislative victory that was led by MADA. These achievements are never accomplished without a lot of effort from many individuals. Chairman Jeff Field did an outstanding job keeping the MADA leadership team engaged and focused. The dealer body reached out to elected officials and ignited a grassroots effort that could not be overcome by the opposition. Speaker Philip Gunn, Chairman Trey Lamar, and Speaker Pro Tem Jason White are to be commended for their efforts in the House of Representatives. Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, Senator Daniel Sparks, and Chairman Josh Harkins were instrumental in getting the bill through the Senate. Governor Tate Reeves recognized the importance of car dealers to Mississippi and signed the bill. While it is important to recognize and celebrate this achievement, this fight is not over. We will continue to fight for Mississippi and make a difference through our 218 dealerships in Mississippi.  MADA Chairman, Jeff Field, presents Game Ball to Senator Daniel Sparks. 10

WALT MASSEY ELECTED TO SERVE AS CHAIRMAN OF THE MADA SIF alt Massey, owner of Walt Massey Automotive Group, has been elected to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the MADA Self Insurers Fund (MADA SIF). The SIF was started by MADA in 1989 to provide workers’ compensation insurance to dealerships. The MADA SIF was the first group fund in Mississippi. Since the beginning, oversight of the insurance program has been the responsibility of dealers serving on the Board of Trustees. It is an insurance program exclusively for dealers run by dealers. The Fund has been incredibly successful, returning over $17 million to participants. Equally important, the Fund supports MADA with non-dues income revenue. This financial support has been used to make MADA one of the most powerful and influential trade associations in Mississippi. “It is indeed an honor to serve as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of such an important program for many of our members as well as MADA,” said Massey. Massey started in the family business at the age of eight and left college to run a struggling store his dad had bought in Lucedale. A fierce competitor, Massey took on the challenge. What Massey has accomplished since then is impressive by any standards. He has seized on the ownership opportunity and is now the owner of Walt Massey Automotive Group, which consists of dealerships in Lucedale, Hattiesburg, and Columbia. “Walt will do a great job as Chairman of the Fund,” said the SIF’s Vice Chairman Roger Bacon. “He is a hard worker and cares about our industry and MADA,” Bacon said further. Massey also served in several leadership positions with MADA, including Chairman in 2008. In 2021, Massey was selected as the Mississippi Time Dealer of the Year and recognized for giving generously to his community and numerous charities.  11

H AUTO PAC PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN MADA’S SUCCESS Interview With Roger Bacon, Auto PAC Chairman How long have you been in the car business? In 1973, I took a job at a dealership; it was just going to be for the summer, and then I was going to go to school and become a lawyer. I realized quickly that I really liked the car business and decided to stay. I learned the business from the ground up and have held almost every position — porter, mechanics helper, mechanic, shop foreman, etc. I’ve done every job in the auto business except for bodywork. How long have you been a dealer? I bought my first dealership in 2004, along with partners who have all been bought out. What dealerships do you have in Picayune? I currently have Mossy of Picayune, a GM dealership, and Nissan of Picayune, which is next door, about 100 yards away. In total, the two dealerships cover 10 acres, right off the interstate between Slidell, LA, and Hattiesburg, MS. 12

How long have you been the Auto PAC Chairman? I have been the Auto PAC Chairman since about 2014. Why did you have an interest in serving as the Chairman of Auto PAC? I had been involved in the Louisiana association for many years on a state level, but I hadn’t had the opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. and see what that was all about. Then, as a MADA Chairman and Past Chairman, I spent some time in D.C., lobbying with NADA, and I realized it was very important for us to have a presence. I also realized how valuable our contributions are. Those contributions open doors for us to discuss industry issues with our congressional delegation, along with key members of their staff. What is the main purpose of Auto PAC? Auto PAC is a way to financially support candidates who are business-first and understand our industry’s priorities. When we look at our overall legislative and grassroots strategies, Auto PAC plays a major role. Every significant trade organization in Mississippi has a PAC that writes checks to politicians. This would also include most automobile manufacturers. Our dealer body must be a part of the process and we want to stand out as a major contributor. I view supporting our PACs as an investment in our business. The contributions we make to candidates give the dealer body the ability to speak with one voice about how legislation impacts our business. A strong Auto PAC shows that we are engaged in our communities and are committed to helping the men and women running for statewide office or the legislature get elected. There is no question that our PAC contributions forge strong grassroots relationships with elected officials that serve in Jackson. The importance of having a healthy PAC cannot be understated as we help elect candidates that we can educate on the need for laws and regulations that uphold a strong dealer network. A great example is HB 401 which the Governor recently signed into law. So, supporting good candidates who understand, know, and vote pro‑business is important to our organization and the industry we have committed so much. What should dealers do to support Auto PAC? First, please contribute to both PACs, State and National. It goes a long way in helping to determine the future of our industry. We now have money to be relevant in elections. The MADA PAC supports candidates in State and local races. We have the NADA PAC, which is extremely important right now, asking our Congressional delegation to address issues from LIFO, taxes, recalls, etc. We need business-friendly representatives at all levels, and the PACs help us in our efforts to elect them. Second, get involved — from attending the convention to regional meetings to serving on the Board. We have a committee that vets candidates who will be in elections around the state. This committee makes the determination of who we’re going to support and at what monetary level. We usually meet once every other year to discuss races and candidates. MADA has become a very significant PAC because of the support we receive from our dealer members. Who can we expect to be the voice on our issues if not MADA? Protecting, advancing and promoting the interest of Mississippi’s franchised car dealers is the mission of MADA and we are finding success.  13

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Source: Center for Automotive Research, NADA, S&P Global,, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau $613M $8.2B 0.7% Includes income taxes paid for direct, indirect and induced jobs. PAYROLL TOTAL SALES (all dealerships) REGISTRATIONS STATE SALES TAX PAID NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE DEALERS ASSOCIATION NADA Industry Analysis | 8484 Westpark Drive, Suite 500, Tysons, VA 22102 | 800.557.6232 | NADA Legislative Affairs | 412 First St. SE | Washington, DC 20003 | 800.563.5500 | 217 DEALERSHIPS (new car) 18,458 TOTAL JOBS (created by dealerships) Includes 8,317 direct jobs and 10,141 indirect and induced jobs. 47 EMPLOYEES (average per dealership) Driving Mississippi’s Economy Annual Contribution of Mississippi’s New-Car Dealers Numbers reflect annual economic activity during 2022. $73,632 Average Annual Earnings $195M State and Federal Income Taxes Paid Mississippi’s Share of Total U.S. New-Vehicle Registrations $428M 15


delivering what matters most. Connect With Us Since 1978, Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI), a Delaware registered S-Corporation, has led the way as the gold standard third-party administrator for property/casualty programs, including workers’ compensation, liability, and property claims management in a wide range of industries. We bring together the best talent in the TPA industry and prioritize the needs, goals, and expectations of our clients, utilizing innovative solutions, cutting-edge technology, and tailored approaches to claim services, loss control, managed care, internet claims analysis, and reporting services. CCMSI PO Box 1378 Ridgeland, MS 39158 601-608-1001 One of MADA’s most dedicated and loyal dealers, Butch Oustalet, received an award from the NADA PAC for being a member of the President’s Club for 25 years. President of MADA, Marty Milstead, presented the hand-painted bowl with the U.S. Capitol painted on the inside to Oustalet at his Ford and Lincoln store in Gulfport. “It was an honor to present the award on behalf of NADA PAC. There is not an automobile dealer in the state that has given more of their time and resources to our industry over the past 25 years than Butch,” said Milstead. Oustalet is the owner of Butch Oustalet Ford – Lincoln and Butch Oustalet Mazda. Dealers that contribute $5,000 to the NADA PAC and then $2,500 in the following years are recognized for President Club membership. The NADA PAC is a Political Action Committee sponsored by NADA. NADA PAC raises funds from NADA members and contributes them to candidates for the U.S. House and Senate. The Oustalet family came to the Mississippi Coast in 1959 when Bubba Oustalet, Butch’s dad, opened a Ford Lincoln Mercury dealership. Oustalet bought the dealership from his dad in 1984 and believes in giving back to the only industry he has ever known and equally to his community. People on the Gulf Coast know Oustalet for his generosity. He served as Chairman of the Heart Walk in 2017. Oustalet is the former NADA Director for Mississippi and served as Chairman of the Board for MADA in 1991. He also served as Chairman of the MADA Self-Insurers Fund. In 2001, Oustalet was chosen as the Mississippi Time Dealer of the Year.  Ad space available. Contact us today to get your spot. 801.676.9722 | 855.747.4003 17

MADA MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS MADA Membership is an investment in your business and your future. By paying quarterly dues, you have MADA Membership and NADA Membership, and you help support Auto PAC (MADA’s Political Action Committee). MADA Membership Provides You … • Representation at the MS Capitol • Regulatory Assistance • MADA Headlines & News • Annual Convention • Free Legal Advice on HR • Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation • MADA Auto PAC • Media Representation • Membership Directory • MADA Website • Regional Membership Meetings NADA Membership Provides You … • Representation before Congress • Dealer-Manufacturer Advocacy • Management Education • Regulatory Compliance Assistance • NADA Appraisal Guide Book • NADA Convention • NADA Retirement (401K) • Dealer Candidate Academy • NADA Website • NADA E-University • 20 Groups • NADA PAC For additional information, contact 18


Mississippi Legislator Grades MADA has been working at your State Capitol on pro-car-dealer legislation. A grading scale has been established with different weights based on the issue. The most important votes have been warranty reimbursement and the franchise law in 2022 and 2023. LEGISLATIVE SESSION BILL NUMBER SUMMARY 2020 SB 3049 Known as the “Mississippi Back-to-Business Liability Assurance and Health Care Emergency Response Liability Protection Act,” this legislation will help protect businesses and healthcare providers against frivolous COVID-19-related claims. This vital legislation will preserve both justice and economic recovery in Mississippi by enacting reasonable safeguards against a potential surge of coronavirus lawsuits. The MADA vote was YES. 2021 HB 1139 This legislation removed the law that required dealerships to make a double sales tax payment in June each year. The MADA vote was YES. 2021 *HB 1439 This legislation would have increased the sales tax on automobiles from 5% to 7.5% and increased the tax on parts and labor to 9.5%. The MADA vote was NO. 2021 HB 746 HB 746 was the MADA-supported legislation that allowed dealers to apply for warranty reimbursement from a manufacturer for parts and labor at retail, also known as “Operation 47.” The MADA vote was YES. 2022 HB 531 This legislation would have reduced car tags by 50% without raising taxes on automobile sales. The MADA vote was YES. 2022 HB 833 Study Committee This vote was on an amendment by Senator England to make the bill into a study committee and kill the bill. The MADA vote was NO. 2022 HB 833 This vote was on the legislation preventing manufacturers from unfairly competing against dealerships. The legislation included a reverse repealer. The MADA vote was YES. 2022 SB 2545 This legislation increased the penalties for catalytic converter theft. The MADA vote was YES. 2022 HB 531 Conference Report This legislation reduced personal income tax and did not include any tax increase on automobiles. The MADA vote was YES. 2023 HB 401 This vote was on the legislation preventing manufacturers from unfairly competing against dealerships. The MADA vote was YES. * This legislation was only voted on in the House of Representatives. 20

Name MADA Grade SB 3049 HB 746 HB 1139 HB 833 Study Committee HB 833 SB 2545 HB 531 HB 401 Juan Barnett A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Jason Barrett A+ Y Y N Y Y Y Y Kevin Blackwell A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y David Blount A+ Y Y Y N Y Y N Y Nicole Akins Boyd A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Jenifer Branning A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Joel Carter A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Scott DeLano A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Josh Harkins A+ Y Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y Rod Hickman A+ N Y Y N Y Briggs Hopson A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Dean Kirby A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Tyler McCaughn A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Michael McLendon A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Chad McMahan A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Philip Moran A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y David Parker A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Rita Parks A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y John Polk A+ Y Y DNV N Y Y Y Y Mike Seymour A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Sarita Simmons A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Daniel Sparks A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Benjamin Suber A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Jeff Tate A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Angela Turner-Ford A+ N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Senate Grades KEY Y — Yes N — No P — Present A — Absent DNV — Did Not Vote HB 833 — MADA Position was NO HB 1439 — MADA Vote was a NO 21

Name MADA Grade SB 3049 HB 746 HB 1139 HB 833 Study Committee HB 833 SB 2545 HB 531 HB 401 Neil Whaley A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Bart Williams A+ Y Y N Y Y Y Y Chuck Younger A+ Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Hob Bryan A N Y N N Y Y N Y Kelvin Butler A N Y Y N Y Lydia Chassaniol A A Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y John Horhn A N Y Y N Y Y N Y Derrick Simmons A N Y Y N Y Y N Y Joseph Thomas A N Y Y N Y Y N Y Chris Caughman A- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Chris Johnson A- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Walter Michel A- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y David Jordan B N Y Y N Y Y N Y Sollie Norwood B N Y Y N Y Y N Y Dennis DeBar C Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Barbara Blackmon D N Y Y N Y Y Y N Albert Butler D N Y Y N Y Y N N Hillman Frazier D N Y Y N Y Y N N Robert Jackson D N Y Y N Y Y Y N Kathy Chism F Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Jeremy England F Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Joey Fillingane F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Angela Hill F Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Chris McDaniel F Y Y Y Y N Y Y N Melanie Sojourner F Y Y Y Y N Y P N Mike Thompson F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Brice Wiggins F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Senate Grades cont. 22

Name MADA Grade SB 3049 HB 1139 HB 1439 HB 746 HB 531 Reduce Car Tag Tax HB 833 SB 2545 HB 531 Vote 2 HB 401 Shane Aguirre A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Brent Anderson A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Nick Bain A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Shane Barnett A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Manly Barton A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Donnie Bell A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Richard Bennett A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Scott Bounds A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Randy Boyd A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Cedric Burnett A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Charles Busby A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Larry Byrd A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Billy Adam Calvert A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bubba Carpenter A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Angela Cockerham A+ N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Carolyn Crawford A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sam Creekmore A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Becky Currie A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Clay Deweese A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Casey Eure A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Michael Evans A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Kevin Felsher A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Kevin Ford A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jill Ford A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Dale Goodin A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jeffrey Guice A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Philip Gunn A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jeff Hale A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Joey Hood A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Kevin Horan A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Stephen Horne A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bill Kinkade A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Timmy Ladner A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y House Grades 23

Name MADA Grade SB 3049 HB 1139 HB 1439 HB 746 HB 531 Reduce Car Tag Tax HB 833 SB 2545 HB 531 Vote 2 HB 401 Trey Lamar A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jonathan Lancaster A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Vince Mangold A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Steve Massengill A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Kent McCarty A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jay McKnight A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sam Mims A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Ken Morgan A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Gene Newman A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Karl Oliver A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Randall Patterson A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bill Pigott A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Brent Powell A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y John Read A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Rob Roberson A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Randy Rushing A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Noah Sanford A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Donnie Scoggin A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Fred Shanks A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Troy Smith A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y De’Keither Stamps A+ Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Jody Steverson A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Joseph Tubb A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Price Wallace A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Jason White A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Shanda M. Yates A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mark Tullos A+ N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Lee Yancey A+ DNV Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Hank Zuber A+ Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Otis Anthony A N Y N Y P Y Y N Y Tracy Arnold A Y Y Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y Edward Blackmon A N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Oscar Denton A N Y N Y Y Y Y P Y Stephanie Foster A P Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Karl Gibbs A N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Greg Haney A Y Y Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y House Grades cont. 24

Name MADA Grade SB 3049 HB 1139 HB 1439 HB 746 HB 531 Reduce Car Tag Tax HB 833 SB 2545 HB 531 Vote 2 HB 401 Gregory Holloway A N Y P Y Y Y Y P Y Lataisha Jackson A N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Robert Johnson A N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Hester Jackson McCray A N Y N Y DNV Y Y Y Y Dana McLean A DNV Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Doug McLeod A Y Y N Y P Y N Y Y Carl Mickens A N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Tom Miles A N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Solomon Osborne A N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Daryl L. Porter A N Y N Y P Y Y Y Y Thomas Reynolds A Y Y N Y DNV Y Y Y Y Zakiya Summers A N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Rickey Thompson A N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Kenneth Walker A N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Jeramey Anderson B N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Earle Banks B N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Christopher Bell B N Y N Y P Y Y P Y Bo Brown B N Y N Y P Y Y N Y Ronnie Crudup B N Y N Y N Y Y N Y John Faulkner B N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Jeffery Harness B N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y John Hines B N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Mac Huddleston B Y Y Y Y Y Y DNV Y DNV Kabir Karriem B N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Orlando Paden B N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Robin Robinson B Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DNV Tracey Rosebud B DNV Y N Y DNV Y Y N Y Rufus Straughter B N Y N Y N Y Y P Y Cheikh Taylor B Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Jerry Turner B Y Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y Y Percy Watson B N Y N Y N Y Y N Y Tom Weathersby B Y Y Y DNV Y Y Y Y Y Willie Bailey C N Y Y Y Y Y Y N P Alyce Clarke C DNV Y DNV Y N Y Y N Y Missy McGee C Y Y Y Y Y Y DNV Y N Stacey Wilkes C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y DNV 25

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Plan ahead for your dealership’s long-term legacy Setting up a succession plan is an important consideration for the future of your dealership. Now’s the time to think about your priorities, such as maintaining control, taxes, liquidity, employees and family. What would you like the power to do?® Learn more with our comprehensive overview of Dealer Financial Services Succession Planning at “Bank of America” and “BofA Securities” are the marketing names used by the Global Banking and Global Markets divisions of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, other commercial banking activities, and trading in certain financial instruments are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Trading in securities and financial instruments, and strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities, are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (“Investment Banking Affiliates”), including, in the United States, BofA Securities, Inc. and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., both of which are registered broker-dealers and Members of SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. BofA Securities, Inc. and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: | Are Not FDIC Insured | Are Not Bank Guaranteed| May Lose Value | ©2022 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. 4882341 05-22-0512 Plan ahead for your dealership’s long-term legacy Setting up a succession plan is an important consideration for the future of your dealership. Now’s the time to think about your priorities, such as maintaining control, taxes, liquidity, employees and family. What would you like the power to do?® Learn more with our comprehensive overview of Dealer Financial Services Succession Planning at “Bank of America” and “BofA Securities” are the marketing names used by the Global Banking and Global Markets divisions of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, other commercial banking activities, and trading in certain financial instruments are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., Member FDIC. Trading in securities and financial instruments, and strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities, are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (“Investment Banking Affiliates”), including, in the United States, BofA Securities, Inc. and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp., both of which are registered broker-dealers and Members of SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, by locally registered entities. BofA Securities, Inc. and Merrill Lynch Professional Clearing Corp. are registered as futures commission merchants with the CFTC and are members of the NFA. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: | Are Not FDIC Insured | Are Not Bank Guaranteed| May Lose Value | ©2022 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. 4882341 05-22-0512

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