Pub. 1 2023 Issue 2

compete. Mississippi has 218 dealerships that produce 18,073 jobs and donate millions of dollars in community support. As our elected officials became educated on the issue, they understood that we needed one set of rules and a fair playing field for all dealerships. EV companies wanted their own set of rules. WHAT DOES THE LAW DO? Automobile manufacturers cannot do any of the following: • Own any ownership interest in, operate, or control any motor vehicle dealer or dealership in the state for the same type of classification of motor vehicle that it manufactures or distributes; • Apply for a motor vehicle dealer’s license; or • Be licensed as a new motor vehicle dealer in the state. The Tesla corporate-owned store that received a dealer’s license in 2021 will be allowed to keep its current location. Contrary to what has been reported and said by the opposition, HB 401 does not block or prevent any of the following: • Any Mississippian from purchasing a vehicle online • Electric vehicle companies from opening service centers. In fact, when Tesla first came to Mississippi, they opened a service center in Pearl. • The sale of electric vehicles in Mississippi Some of the main opponents voted against this bill because they said it was anti-free market. With all the subsidies that have been granted to electric vehicle companies and now a $7,500 tax credit for electric vehicles, this can only be viewed as a laughable argument. The signing of HB 401 was a monumental legislative victory that was led by MADA. These achievements are never accomplished without a lot of effort from many individuals. Chairman Jeff Field did an outstanding job keeping the MADA leadership team engaged and focused. The dealer body reached out to elected officials and ignited a grassroots effort that could not be overcome by the opposition. Speaker Philip Gunn, Chairman Trey Lamar, and Speaker Pro Tem Jason White are to be commended for their efforts in the House of Representatives. Lieutenant Governor Delbert Hosemann, Senator Daniel Sparks, and Chairman Josh Harkins were instrumental in getting the bill through the Senate. Governor Tate Reeves recognized the importance of car dealers to Mississippi and signed the bill. While it is important to recognize and celebrate this achievement, this fight is not over. We will continue to fight for Mississippi and make a difference through our 218 dealerships in Mississippi.  MADA Chairman, Jeff Field, presents Game Ball to Senator Daniel Sparks. 10