Pub. 2 2022 Issue 1

Payroc enables you to share or pass the cost of processing to the customer. Now, you can cut or completely eliminate your business' credit card processing costs! Eliminate 100% of credit card processing fees More money in your pocket with RewardPay Pay Less, Save More: Example of Savings Discover How Much You Can Save Primarily used for large ticket businesses, Payroc’s RewardPay Choice program allows processing fees to be split between the customer and the business. Let's say your business has enabled a 4% surcharge but doesn’t want to pass all of it o billed at the end of the month (EOM). With RewardPay Choice, we allow the merchant to absorb whatever % they do not want to pass along to a credit customer. Michael Peterson | 406.548.5345 | Merchant signs up for RewardPay with 4% surcharge Merchant passes 2% to credit card customers and absorbs the other 2% billed daily Merchant is still billed for all debit transactions and fees Automatic surcharge alert & notice of alternative payment options AUTOMATION SAVINGS Receive 100% of the sales price when customers pay by credit card Compliant with major credit card networks & individual state restrictions COMPLIANCE Seamless integration with compatible POS systems INTEGRATION