Pub. 2 2022 Issue 1

Financial Statement Class July 25-26 in Helena A trap shoot and dinner for the class participants will be held on the evening of July 25th. VITU will be doing a drawing from the class participants and will be giving away a shotgun. Registration will start soon. For more info please contact Bruce at or (406) 461-7680. Save the Date! Steve Brazill NADA instructor We encourage you to watch this short video with Bruce Knudsen and Steve Brazill talking about what to expect from the Financial Statement class. https://players.brightcove. net/1890707369/9GpSgM0ZxQ_default/ index.html?videoId=6306009786112 Steve is a 40-year veteran of the auto industry with hands-on experience as an OEM field manager, dealership owner-operator, and owner-operator of an automotive parts distributorship. As a dealer-operator, he was particularly fond of small to mid-sized startups; as an Instructor in NADA’s Dealer Academy, he is unabashedly passionate about today’s opportunities in automotive retail. Born in Detroit, Steve escaped early and now lives near Texas Hill Country. 25