Pub. 2 2022 Issue 2

Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Gen Z Technology is… The microwave What you can hold in your hand; cell, PDA Ethereal - intangible -MacBook, iPad, Wii, PS3, Android Communications Media Touch-tone phones Call me anytime Cell phones Call me only at work E-mail Internet Picture phones E-mail Google, Facebook, Twitter, Text -Connect with others digitally and not face to face -Snap Chat, Secret, Whisper, Slingshot, Tumblr Communication -Diplomatic -In-person -Speak open – direct style -Use body language to communicate -Present Options (flexibility) -Use E-Comm’s/face-to- face -Answer questions thoroughly and expect to be pressed for details -Avoid -Manipulative/controlling language -Like the personal touch from managers -Get consensus-include them or they may get offended -Establish a friendly rapport -OK to use first names -Learn what is important to them -Emphasize the company’s vision and mission and how they can fit in -Blunt/Direct -Immediate -Use straight talk, present facts -Use email as #1 tool -Learn their language & speak it -Use informal communication style -Talk in short sound bytes -Share info immediately and often -Has the potential to bridge the generation gap b/w youngest and oldest workers. -Don’t micro-manage -Use direct, straightforward approach -Avoid buzz words and company jargon -Tie your message to “results” -Emphasize “WIIFM” in terms of training and skills to build their resume -Polite -Use positive, respectful, motivational, electronic communication style. (Cell phones, email, IM, text)>these are “fun” -Communicate in person if the message is very important -Use text, email and voice mail as #1 tools -Prefer text messages to phone calls because they can multi-task while communicating and they find it easier to carry on more than one conversation at a time -Don’t talk down to them-they will resent it -Show respect through language and they will respect you -Use action verbs -Use language to portray visual pictures -Be humorous-show you are human -Be positive -Strategic Timing -Make it easy for them -Reach them early -Have a responsive website -Prefer a variety of ways to communicate -Tweets -Live updates from events, live promotions -Promotions -Need to respond promptly to them (12 hrs. is no longer good) -Be responsive-you cannot let their tweets hang -They will take pictures at photo booths -They will take advantage of apps throughout facility -“Hunts” using smartphones Feedback and Rewards -Feel rewarded by money and will often display all awards, certificates, and letters of appreciation for public view. -Like praise -Title, recognition, money -Give something to put on the wall. -Somewhat more interested in soft benefits than younger generations -Enjoy public recognition -Appreciate awards for their hard work & the long hrs. they work -Once a year whether needed or not -Not enamored by public recognition. -Want to be rewarded with time off. -Freedom is the best reward -Prefer regular feedback on their work but as less dependent on being told that they are good people. -Somewhat more interested in benefits than younger generations -Need constructive feedback to be more effective -Are self-sufficient, give them structure, some coaching, but implement a hands-off type of supervisory style -“So, how am I doing?” -Like to be given feedback often and they will ask for it often. -Meaningful work -Be clear about goals and expectations -Communicate frequently -Provide Supervision & Structure -Want recognition for their heroes; bosses and grandparents. Managers who balance these frames of reference in rewarding workers create a more valuable experience for both the employee and worker. -Work that has meaning -Virtual coach/touch of a button Messages that Motivate "You are valued” “You are needed” Do it your way Forget the rules You will work with other bright, creative people Motivated by… Being valued, needing money Freedom and removal of rules Time Off Working with other bright people Time Off Rewards Free Stuff Money is… Status Symbol Means to an end Today’s payoff Work and Family Life Balance -No balance -“Live to work” -At this point in their lives they are interested in flexible hrs. and are looking to create balance in their lives. They have pushed hard, all work and no play and they are beginning to wonder if it was worth it. “Work to live” Balance is important. They will sacrifice balance, but only occasionally. -They work to live, not live to work. -Many Gen X women are leaving high-powered careers to focus on their families. -“Work to live” -Balance is important. They will sacrifice balance, but only occasionally. -Want a work-life balance that affords them to spend their time in meaningful ways. -Want Balance This chart is a free resource created with the intent to help professionals and businesses take the next step in their growth. To download the full chart, please scan the QR code. GenerationalDifferencesChartUpdated2019.pdf 49