Pub. 4 2024 Issue 1

Enjoy your association news anytime, anywhere. Scan the QR code to visit our online publication to stay up to date on the latest association news, share articles and read past issues. Furthermore, the FTC identifies the following as not being “express, informed consent”: 1. A signed or initialed document by itself; 2. Pre-checked boxes; or 3. An agreement obtained through any practice designed or manipulated with the substantial effect of subverting or impairing user autonomy, decisionmaking or choice (which sounds eerily similar to “dark patterns” as it is related to consumer privacy choices). Though not explicitly stated in the regulations, we believe that this will require you to provide the customer with an additional disclosure form that they must acknowledge and sign. We will cover that in more detail in an upcoming article. Recordkeeping For 24 months, dealers must create and retain copies of the following: 1. Copies of all materially different advertisements, sales scripts, training materials and marketing materials regarding the price, financing or lease of a vehicle; 2. Copies of all purchase orders, financing and lease documents signed by the consumer (whether you sold a vehicle or not); 3. All written communications relating to sales, financing or lease between you and any consumer in which you sold or leased a vehicle. Another question we regularly saw during our live webinar was whether text and email communications between a salesperson and a customer, in which a vehicle was sold, needed to be retained for 24 months. The answer is “yes,” and we recommend that you train your staff to use software that tracks and records this electronic communication. Outlook Though the regulation itself spans only 12 pages (with over 358 pages of comments), the ramifications to the industry are significant and very complex, but that’s why we’re here. Led by dealers and industry compliance experts, ComplyAuto has been preparing a solution for the CARS Rule since 2020 called “Guardian.” Scan the QR code to learn more. As the FTC continues to receive commentary about the CARS Rule and ratchets up enforcement in other areas of the automotive industry, ComplyAuto intends to remain the nation’s leading automotive compliance software solution by bringing you the latest information that affects your dealership. This article is intended to be for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY and is NOT to be construed as legal advice. 39 MONTANA AUTO DEALER