Pub 18 2023 2024 Issue 4

positions for purposes of overtime pay. This proposal treats employers the same regardless of geography. 5. Abusive expansion of Section 1071 of the Dodd‑Frank Act, which identifies the types of information bankers must collect from their business borrowers, including farmers. 6. In response to the bank failures of last spring, calls for increased capital requirements for banks of all sizes. And the list goes on. Nebraska banks have never shied away from taking important leadership roles in their communities, nor have we lost focus on helping our customers survive and thrive. Unfortunately, the current regulatory and economic climate is thrusting new and not always predictable arrows in our direction. To successfully confront these challenges, the NBA needs your collective support and input. I want to personally encourage you to stay informed, stay involved and share your collective voice! ASSURANCE / TAX / ADVISORY FORVIS is a trademark of FORVIS, LLP, registration of which is pending with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. FORward VISion counts Our vision is helping make yours a reality. Whether you’re looking to stay compliant, manage risk, or grow strategically, our forward-thinking professionals can help you prepare for what’s next. FOR unmatched industry insight, VISion matters Each year, Nebraska bankers visit Washington, D.C. for the NBA Washington Legislative Visit and the American Bankers Association Washington Summit. The trip is an opportunity for the Nebraska banking industry to make its collective voice heard by the Nebraska congressional delegation. 9 Nebraska Banker