Pub. 18 2023-2024 Issue 5

WASHINGTON UPDATE Against a Rising Tide of Regulation, Banks Must Row Together Rob Nichols, President and CEO American Bankers Association Whenever a new election cycle comes along, it’s not uncommon to hear pundits make mention of “red waves” or “blue waves,” denoting potential power swings in Congress. But as bankers contemplate the future of our country and the policy environment that will shape the future of our industry, there’s another wave that we need to talk about: a tsunami of complex regulation that is hitting the banking sector as we speak. To be sure, the tide turned quickly: last year’s turbulent spring ignited a rulemaking frenzy at the banking agencies. Suddenly, new proposals sprang up to increase bank capital levels, impose a new long-term debt requirement and make the resolution planning process more complex. Simultaneously, the CFPB imposed long-awaited small business reporting requirements under Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act — which went far above and beyond what was outlined in the statute. The Federal Reserve issued a proposal to cap interchange fees under Regulation II, and the FDIC is now pursuing significant changes to its corporate governance guidelines. Against all that, the agencies finalized a long-awaited update to the Community Reinvestment Act framework — a staggeringly complex, 1,500-page final rule that creates significant 10 NEBRASKA BANKER