This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 855.747.4003 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SALT LAKE CITY, UT PERMIT NO. 508 233 South 13th Street, Suite 700 Lincoln, NE 68508 BHG did in 2020. And you could have bought it from us! *Loan characteristics from BHG borrower. Photograph is not actual BHG borrower. Our 19 years of relationships and multiple industry-leading partners bring more than 15,000 coveted borrowers to BHG each month. Our borrowers have stunning credentials and the majority are considered essential in this economy. That’s why BHG is the number one place for a bank to buy the best professional and medical loans in the U.S. • Record volume: $429M funded in Q1 2020 • 4–6.5% return for your bank • $0 bank loss on BHG Core loan portfolio • State-of-the-art loan delivery platform LEND Would you to this OBGYN? OBGYN IN NEBRASKA 31 years licensed Income: $577,192 FICO: 807 Loan: $51,500 Term: 7 years CONTACT COURTNEY CALDERWOOD • 315.810.1016 or visit
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