Recognizing Service to the Profession & the State of Nebraska Society Awards Each year, the Society accepts the nomination of members for the following four special awards: ` Public Service Award ` Distinguished Service to the Profession Award ` Outstanding Accounting Educator Award ` Outstanding CPA in Business & Industry Award These awards were created to honor and show the Society’s appreciation of those members who have given unselfishly to their communities, to their businesses, and to the accounting profession or to academia. Selection of the award recipients is determined by a special Awards Selection Committee that consists of the Society’s current chairman, immediate past chairman, and three members appointed by the chairman, with final approval made by the Society Board of Directors. Nominations should be received by October 31. The awards are presented in the following year at the Society’s Annual Meeting. It is at the discretion of the Awards Selection Committee and the Society Board as to which, if any, awards will be presented each year. Nominations not selected will remain in an active file for at least three years. Every day, Nebraska CPAs are performing many unheralded services for their community, for their profession, and for Nebraska. Consider some of the outstanding Society members you know and make a nomination today at NOMINATE A DESERVING CPA TODAY! CPE CATALOG AND MEMBER GUIDE 39 Society Overview