Pub. 3 2021 Issue 3

9 nebraska society of cpas W W W . N E S C P A . O R G Please join me in thanking the past and current members who continue to serve the citizens of Nebraska and your profession on the national front! Dan Swe e twood i s exe cut ive di re c tor o f the Nebra ska Board of Publ i c Ac countancy. You may contac t him at (402) 471-3595 or . You may also contact Kristen VanWinkle, administrator of the State Board, at 800-397-0249 Trent Holmes IF YOU ARE READInG THIS... So Is Your Buyer! CONNECTING MORE SELLERS AND BUYERS Before that, Doug was chairman of the State Board and rose to the NASBA Board of Directors as a regional director for the Midwest. Former State Board member Jan Glenn, CPA (Inactive Registrant), also served as a Midwest regional director on the NASBA Board. More current examples of outstanding leaders include former State Board members Lori Druse, CPA, who served on the NASBAAudit Committee for several years, and Michele “Shelly” Stromp, CPA, who helps select the new leaders of NASBA through her service on the Nominating Committee. Former State Board member Michael McClure, CPA, was an active member on NASBA’s Compliance Assurance Committee (nowknown as the Peer ReviewCompliance Committee) for many years, too. Current State Board Members Marcy Luth, CPA, and Melissa Ruff, CPA, presently participate on NASBA committees, as do I. Please join me in thanking the past and current members who continue to serve the citizens of Nebraska and your profession on the national front! Never hesitate to contact the Nebraska Board of Publ ic Accountancy with any of your questions and/or concerns. t