Pub. 4 2022 Issue 1

J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 2 14 nebraska cpas HOW TO BUILD A CLIENT BASE YOU LOVE TAKE THESE FOUR STEPS TO BUILD A CLIENT BASE THAT YOU LOVE WORKING WITH AND THAT APPRECIATES YOU DEEPLY AS WELL. BY ART KUESEL, KUESEL CONSULTING Last I checked, we all have a say in the clients we choose to work with. We all have the right to serve clients that respect us, listen to our advice, are prepared when we need them to be, and pay us on time. But this should be the bare minimum: We should also seek out clients that allow us to grow and develop our expertise in targeted areas, which in turn increases our value to them. I know that some clients don’t check all these boxes, and sadly some check very few. It’s these clients that hold us back from finding and serving those who do check all the boxes. Additionally, this kind Serving a client base that you love and that loves you back is every practitioner’s dream. But it doesn’t have to be a dream—you can make it a reality.