Pub 20-2021-2022 Issue 1
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S I S S U E 1 | 2 0 2 1 4 new jersey auto retailer EDITOR: BRIAN HUGHES PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSLINK GROUP, LLC 855.747.4003 CONTENTS ©2021 New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers | The newsLINK Group, LLC. All rights reserved. The New Jersey Auto Retailer is published four times each year by The newsLINK Group, LLC for the New Jersey Coalition of Automotive Retailers (NJCAR) and is the official publication for this association. The information contained in this publication is intended to provide general information for review, consideration and dealer education. The contents do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. If you need legal advice or assistance, it is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney as to your circumstances. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of NJ CAR, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. The New Jersey Auto Retailer is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submitted by authors who are independent of NJ CAR. While NJ CAR encourages a first-print policy, in cases where this is not possible, every effort has been made to comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855.747.4003. MEMBERS OF THE NJ CAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2020-2021 NJ CAR BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY REGION Judith A. Schumacher-Tilton .................................................................................. Chairwoman Michael F. DiFeo. ................................................................................................ Vice Chairman James Curley, III............................................................................................................Secretary Eric Nielsen. ..................................................................................................................Treasurer Michael P. DeSilva............................................ Regional Vice President (Northern Region I) Andy Shapiro.....................................................Regional Vice President (Northern Region II) Richard Malouf, Jr...................................................Regional Vice President (Central Region) Ronald E. Baus, Jr................................................Regional Vice President (Southern Region) Robert Sickel.................................................................................................. Budget Chairman Michael McGuire...........................................................NJ CAR Insurance Co. Ltd. Chairman Richard A. DeSilva, Sr.............................................................NJ CAR Services, Inc. President NADA Director for New Jersey Frank M. Pezzolla. .........................................................................Truck Committee Chairman Charles S. Miller............................................................................................ CAR-PAC President James B. Appleton........................................................................................................President NORTHERN REGION I (Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic, Sussex) James Agresto, Jr. Timothy Allocca John Fette Tom Hlavenka (Alt.) Guy Johnson Brian Lam Renee P. McGuire James Russomano Richard Selman (Alt) Todd Van Duren NORTHERN REGION II (Hunterdon, Morris, Somerset, Union, Warren) Scott Barna (Alt.) Bridget Beyer David Ferraez John Johnson, Jr. Sean Lyons (Alt.) Mark Montenero Michael Salerno Thomas Stark (Alt.) William L. Strauss, III Steven Tilton CENTRAL REGION (Middlesex, Monmouth, Ocean) Robert Ciasulli Gary Foltz Elizabeth Giglio (Alt.) Adam Kraushaar Melissa Longo Shari Sandidge Steven Schmelz Anton Semprivivo David Wintrode, Sr. (Alt.) Jordan Wright SOUTHERN REGION (Atlantic, Burlington, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Salem) Ed J. Barlow, III (Alt.) Jason Elkins Scott T. Harvey William Kassner Steven Kindle Judith Krupnick Peter Lanzavecchia Marcy Maguire Jim McCormick Robert D. McCormick Tina Wright 6 Chairwoman’s Message JUDITH A. SCHUMACHER-TILTON 8 President’s Message JAMES B. APPLETON 10 NADA Director’s Message RICHARD A. DESILVA, SR. 11 Congratulations to TIME DEALER OF THE YEAR Award Winner Rick DeSilva, Jr. 12 2021’s Top Legal Trends For Automobile Dealers ERIC L. CHASE 16 Managing Pricing Discretion in Credit Transactions: A Path Forward PAUL METREY 20 What Auto Dealer Compliance Will Look Like in a Biden Administration RANDY HENRICK 22 The Pandemic’s Impact on the Workplace and Employee Benefits BRUCE MAZZARELLI 24 NJ CAR Legislative Overview MAGDALENA PADILLA 26 2021 Auto Sales Expected to Reverse Some of the Pandemic-Induced Decline JEFF FOLTZ 30 NJ CAR Recognizes the Dealerships That Have Contributed to CAR-PAC 32 Thank You to Those Who Contributed to NADA PAC
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