Pub. 21 2022 Issue 2

Thank You to Those Who Contributed to NADA PAC NADA PAC helps to elect to Congress qualified individuals who understand the needs of new car and truck dealers. NADA PAC is consistently credited as being one of the nation's top trade association political action committees in terms of both total fundraising and contributions to federal candidates. NADA PAC supports candidates for Congress on a bipartisan basis from the recommendations of the NADA PAC dealer leadership for each state. The 2022 NADA PAC leadership team for New Jersey consists of NADA Director Rick DeSilva, NJ CAR Chairman Michael DiFeo, NADA PAC State Chairman Rob Sickel, and NJ CAR President Jim Appleton. The following individuals from New Jersey have contributed this year to NADA PAC from January 1, 2022 through March 31, 2022: Jeffrey Defonseka Rick DeSilva Jr. Moe Mohsen Eric Nielsen Drew Sciaulino Jeff R. Wall 33 N J C A R . O R G new jersey auto retailer