vehicle, and dealers can use the FY24 Placeholder Document to complete the initial application. Once the ordered vehicle is delivered, the dealership must upload the final documentation, including the vehicle purchase/lease agreement as well as registration. Dealer representatives must also compile the following documents for submission: • A signed and completed FY24 Terms & Conditions Form • A copy of the customer’s valid, unexpired New Jersey Driver’s License • Proof of the order document/vehicle configuration document listing the following: ° Name of customer ° Name of dealership ° Year, make, model, and trim (if applicable) of the ordered vehicle ° Date of order ° MSRP at the time of order ° The FY24 Placeholder document Please be advised that dealers have 14 days after the order of the vehicle to submit an application reserving the incentive. Then dealers will have 14 days after the vehicle has been delivered to submit all final documentation. The Ordered Vehicles reference document will provide further detail on the process, and the Duplicate VIN Errors document will help in the event that a placeholder VIN has already been assigned. NEW FOR FY24 If dealerships do not intend to reserve funding at the time of order, they must provide written notice to the customer noting that eligible vehicles will remain eligible for the incentive at the time of purchase or lease pending availability of funds. Dealerships may satisfy this requirement by providing the attached Dealership Deferment of Reserved Funds form to the customer for their review and signature at the time the customer orders the vehicle. This deferment form does not need to be uploaded with the other documents and may be kept on file at the dealership. If your dealership requires assistance in updating points of contact or correspondence, please use the FY24 Dealership Update document. NOTE: Per the Terms and Conditions of the program, the incentive is to be applied at the point of purchase/lease by the dealership and cannot be issued to the customer post-purchase via check. Any questions regarding the program can be directed to Charge Up New Jersey staff at or call (877) 426-2474. You can also contact NJ CAR’s Director of Communications, Brian Hughes (, or NJ CAR’s Director of Government Affairs, Magdalena Padilla ( 24 new jersey auto retailer