Pub. 22 2023 Issue 4

22 Florence Street • South Hackensack, NJ 07606 • Learn more at • 800-732-4511 Why Should Your Dealership Partner With WASCO? Dealership Supplies & Exceptional Customer Service WASCO helps me manage a very diverse, very difficult business. Interacting with many vendors on my behalf really helps me simplify the entire process. — Ed Rossi, Rossi Chevrolet Buick GMC “ ” VOLUME PRICING DISCOUNTS PURCHASING EFFICIENCY ANNUAL DIVIDEND While challenges remain with congressional gridlock, LIFO relief is a strong candidate for action this year, with its overwhelming bipartisan support and passage in the Senate by unanimous consent last year. The legislation has 139 House cosponsors and 64 Senate cosponsors. This significant support makes the legislation less vulnerable to procedural hurdles. CATALYTIC CONVERTER THEFT Catalytic converter theft has skyrocketed over the past few years, costing millions of dollars to businesses and individual vehicle owners. Replacing a catalytic converter is costly and often difficult due to demand and supply chain shortages. Catalytic converters are not currently one of the 18 vehicle parts required to be marked with a VIN or number traceable to a VIN. Law enforcement has said that tracing in the legislation is critical to help deter the theft and trafficking of stolen catalytic converters since it would make it easier to prosecute criminals. There are currently over 100 state bills addressing catalytic converter thefts, but since this crime frequently involves trafficking stolen parts across state lines, a federal standard is needed to help law enforcement. The “Preventing Auto Recycling Theft (PART) Act” provides a national framework to help law enforcement combat catalytic converter theft by marking catalytic converters and creating a more transparent market that deters its theft. NADA will continue to advocate for the passage and enactment of this legislation to help curb the growing national problem of catalytic converter theft. OEM ENGAGEMENT NADA remains focused on the unsettling way many OEMs are speaking publicly about the retail process, and we continue to track and express our concerns about many of the changes being implemented between OEMs and their dealers. NADA also knows that, despite the fact that they have not been operationalized on a widespread basis, these ongoing references to things like direct sales; direct and exclusive sale of postpurchase vehicle services; taking over the customer experience; and dealers as agents, etc., cannot realistically be seen by dealers, NADA, or state associations as anything other than threats that go to the very core of the franchise system. NADA uses their regular Dealer Attitude Survey meetings, as well as constant engagement at the highest levels, to discuss these issues head-on with OEM leaders. OEMs that NADA engages with appreciate that the national association is increasingly leaning into the dealer-OEM relationship, and dealers appreciate the clarity that most OEMs have provided by publicly committing to their dealers and recognizing the competitive advantage dealers provide. 13 new jersey auto retailer