Pub. 19 2020-2021 Issue 3
N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 21 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G in place to achieve the necessary oversight and control processes. Dealerships have a choice of either scan- ning their Retail Order, Dealer Jackets, Human Resource documents, etc. or having them physically stored in a secure records center. Having documents stored at the store level for retrieval does not mitigate the risk factor of stolen or lost client information. Scanning at the store level is a step forward, but the risk remains as to what happens to the paper after scanning? Dealers also need to address the question of access to scanned images being secured and protected by passwords. Plus, having the dealership staff scan vital documents often creates backlogs and errors that cannot be identified until it’s too late. Having documents scanned and stored in a secure environment significantly reduc- es the risk of penalties and non-compli- ance. Outsourcing scanning and storage to Document Management Professionals ensures proper processes, security, and certification credentials. Quality Control processes ensure all scanned documents are accounted for and can be retrieved. Document Management Professional services also ensure any stored boxes are logged into a tracking system that accounts for all warehousing and can be quickly located. Unfortunately, most in-house scanning solutions do not have a verification process to ensure the capture of all documents. Storing paper onsite requires dealership staff to retrieve it. And it exposes client and employee personal information to dealer- ship staff and increases the risk of a breach. When selecting a Scanning Service Bureau and Records Storage Vendor, it’s critically important that the vendor has SOC1 and SOC2 compliance certifica- tions, which are essential components of the service. These credentials ensure that a qualified, trusted third-party firm has audited the vendor’s processes, facili- ties, and controls. It is also important to obtain a copy of the SOC1/SOC2 annual audit report. These steps ensure a DMS verification process that accounts for all your documents. A dealership having processes in place that are compliant with a third-party ven- dor relieves the burden of managing their in-house Document Management system. It eliminates any risk involved with client data being exposed or breached during the capture and storage processes. The age of storing paper on-site at deal- erships is behind us due to the extremely high cost of space, exposure, breaches and lost documents. Compliance via an effi- cient and secure Document Management process is a consistent, measured fixed cost that takes the worry away. Michael Dachille is Managing Director, Business Development at AutoTrieve Document Scanning & Records Storage Services. AutoTrieve specializes in secure Private Cloud-based Document Scanning and has partnered with NJ CAR to help dealers remain compliant. Michael can be reached at 201.820.7419 or For more information about AutoTrieve, you can also visit . Having documents scanned and stored in a secure environment significantly reduces the risk of penalties and non-compliance. Outsourcing scanning and storage to Document Management Professionals ensures proper processes, security, and certification credentials.
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