Pub. 19 2020-2021 Issue 3

N E W J E R S E Y C O A L I T I O N O F A U T O M O T I V E R E T A I L E R S 23 new jersey auto retailer W W W . N J C A R . O R G We have the road map. Arent Fox’s Automotive Group drives innovative strategies forward. Our cutting-edge, national practice advises automotive leaders as the industry faces a dizzying array of competitive and regulatory hurdles. Smart In Your World Energy Partners of NJ CAR & WASCO Lock in your natural gas & electricity rates with Sprague! • Greater budget certainty and price stability • Close to 150 years of energy experience • Dedicated and local Account Manager • Customized energy solutions • Outstanding Customer Care Member benefits: By participating in the energy program, you are assisting NJ CAR in protecting the interests of all franchised car and truck retailers. Take advantage of your membership benefits today! Gail Caputi, Program Manager 609.760.2043 | Peter Jagodzinski, Account Manager | 732.440.0038 Visit us at: