Pub. 21 2024 Issue 2

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE MARK HORN President New Mexico Bankers Association NEW MEXICO HAS BECOME MY HOME New Mexico, although not my birthplace, has become my home. The past year has introduced me to new places, new people and new experiences. The opportunity to serve as the New Mexico Bankers Association president is one that I will miss, and it has been an honor to lead this great organization this past year. It is with my last article as president that I would like to highlight what I have learned about what it is that defines the New Mexico Bankers Association. I feel the easiest way to do this is to break down our name. New Mexico is truly enchanting. Traveling the state has shown me the beauty of this land, the diversity of its economy and the character of its people. There are national parks, natural wilderness and modern amenities for all to enjoy. Each area of the state has economies that are specific to their region, ranging from natural resources to tourism to government. Also, we are one of the youngest states admitted to this great nation, however, we have some of the longest-standing communities and cultures to be found in America. Bankers are more than community members at the bank in your town. In many instances they are the city council member, the youth baseball coach, the chamber board member or parade marshal. Bankers are some of the most committed individuals devoted to the success of businesses, farms, youth and community you will find. In most instances, they are also the most humble yet proud participants you will meet. Bankers know communities benefit through mutual success. Association is defined as a group of people organized for a joint purpose. This is very much true in the case of our organization. The willingness of competing bankers to join together furthers the abilities of our industry to promote the success of our communities, eventually raising the quality of life in our state. I hold my head high knowing that I am striving to fulfill this purpose each day. The New Mexico Bankers Association is more than just a name. It’s a representation of a wonderful place, full of driven professionals and bound by common goals of good. I’m proud of New Mexico. I’m proud to be a banker, and I’m encouraged by our achievements and our determination to succeed together now and into the future. I want to thank my fellow board members both past and present for their support not only of me but of our association. Our great staff of John, Debbie and Mark provide great leadership and support for all we do. Finally, I wish to thank all the special people in this special place we call New Mexico; it’s our great association that makes this our home! 4