Pub. 11 2014 Issue 2
O V E R A C E N T U R Y : B U I L D I N G B E T T E R B A N K S - H E L P I N G N E W M E X I C O R E A L I Z E D R E A M S 6 A special thanks to all who attended the as- sociation’s 103rd Convention, which was held in beautiful Santa Fe. The meeting began with an opening cocktail party and vendors’ event. I want to personally thank our vendors for their support and generosity. The education sessions were incredibly in- formative. Futurist David Houle’s topic was entering the ‘Shift Age’. He discussed future generations, technology, energy, education, big data and provided the audience with an eye-opening discussion on why he believes the ‘Shift Age’ is one of, if not the most innovative and exciting times in human history. He has a written a number of important books which I would encourage you to read. Bob Davis, ABA Executive-Vice President for mortgage markets, provided insight on how bankers are adapting to the Dodd-Frank mort- gage rules, and how credit availability is being affected by changes in the regulatory climate. He also outlined the current prospects for reg- ulatory relief. ABA cyber security expert Doug Johnson discussed what banks must do to pro- tect customers and their institutions from cy- ber attacks. Finally, Mark Lautman, economic development consultant and consultant to the Legislative Jobs Council, discussed the pros- pects for New Mexico’s economic recovery. He explained how many jobs the state needs, where jobs will come from and what the state needs to do to get there. During our business session, we discussed the value of NMBA BANKPAC. Whether you like it or not, politics play a big part in our busi- ness lives. Often times our US congressional leaders and our state legislators enact legisla- tion which can be very good or very bad for our industry. In the very bad category Dodd-Frank immediately comes to mind. It is imperative that we support political candidates that sup- port our industry. Thus, the reason we have NMBA BANKPAC. This year the NMBA pro- duced a CD promoting our PAC. It is our hope that you will show the CD in your bank to your officers, directors and employees, and request that they contribute to BANKPAC. The NMBA reorganized a great friend of or association, Paul Boushelle, who passed away on September 23, 2013. Paul was the president of the NMBA in 1996, and after his retirement from First Security Bank he assisted the NMBA in lobbying the state legislature for several years. After serving four years in the Navy Air Force, Paul returned to Las Cruces to continue his edu- cation at NMSU, and went to work part-time for First National Bank in Las Cruces. How lucky he was, because he found the career of banking to be a real love. His career would take him to Santa Fe and eventually to Albuquerque. He said he was so fortunate to work with so many intelligent, in- novative, and dedicated people. He admired and loved them. It was a wonderful career. The NMBA presented Paul’s son, Ben Boush- elle, a merchant sales representative for First National Bank of the Ro Grande, a certificate of appreciation acknowledging his father’s com- mitment to the industry and the NMBA. The Association has made a donation to NMSU in Paul’s memory. As a final order of business, the NMBA ac- knowledged Alan Austin, the 105th NMBA President for his efforts on behalf of the NMBA his past year. Alan played a key role in our suc- cess in the legislature this past session, and will continue to assist us in Santa Fe in 2015. Many thanks to Alan. During the Business Session of the An- nual Convention, the following Associa- tion officers and new boardmembers for 2014-2017 were elected: • Ken Clayton, President of Western Bank, Artesia, was sworn in as President. • Paul DiPaola, Regional President of U.S. Bank, Albuquerque, was elected as Presi- dent elect • Ron Wiser, President and CEO of the Bank of the Southwest, will serve as Secretary/ Treasurer • Alan Austin, Regional President for New Mexico Bank and Trust in Santa Fe, will serve as Immediate Past President. Newly elected board members include: • David Hockmuth, Wells Fargo Community Bank President for New Mexico Region, Al- buquerque • Steve Wells, President of Los Alamos Na- tional Bank, Los Alamos • Jon Hitchcock, President and CEO of Pio- neer Bank, Roswell. They will serve three consecutive years, effective July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017. n EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE JOHN W. ANDERSON, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT New Mexico Bankers Association The June 5-6 th New Mexico Banker’s Association Annual Convention was a Huge Success
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