Pub. 5 2022

10 NORTHERN NEVADA ARCHITECTURE .22 | 2022 | Membership in the American Institute of Architects is an opportunity to be a part of a group that represents a force for positive change. The AIA offers a way to belong to a group of like-minded professionals through associateship, integration, and camaraderie. We let our clients, community, and peers know about our commitment to the profession, design excellence, and a particular code of ethics. AIA Northern Nevada remains committed to its ability to influence and respond to the current needs of our community. The power to assist our local decision-makers, agencies responding to new challenges, and our clients as they continue to help our community make positive changes lies squarely with organizations like AIANN and the involvement of its members. Architects, in particular, are knowledgeable and creative. As members, it is important that we stay engaged and use technology to stay connected now and through 2023. Continuing to join each other both in-person and virtually will perpetuate our dialogue, keep us present with new ideas to current problems, and continue to affect positive responses to ongoing concerns. We have the opportunity to influence sustainability, new design measures in response to the pandemic, changes to planning and zoning requirements, and good design in general. Our Allied Members add great value through their support of AIA. Suppliers, Contractors, Engineers, and Design Professionals contribute significantly to our organization. Their contributions are essential to architects and keeping design and management at their best. The value of design depends on the most current trends in products, innovation, and construction practices. Past, present, and future architects must stay involved to make the most of AIA. We need all generations to play a part in the AIA. Thank you to all of the members who have and still are contributing to leading and the young architects who are sharing their energy and insights. Staying involved and growing our membership and those willing to step into leadership positions keeps the momentum moving forward. Reach out to the Board of Directors, participate on committees, initiate group dialogue and be a voice for AIANN’s future! THINKING OF BECOMING A MEMBER? VISIT OUR WEBSITE AIANN.ORG FOR APPLICATIONS AND MORE INFORMATION. MEMBERSHIP MESSAGE BY ANGELA BIGOTTI-CHAVEZ, AIA, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR