Pub 6 2023 Annual Directory

GREAT BASIN COLLEGE submission category: institutional/civic HEALTH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BUILDING 2023 AIA Nevada Juror’s Commentary Interior spaces feel welcoming, warm and inviting — feels like a place I want to be in. Creating new aesthetic for campus, not working within the existing context. There is an openness with views to landscape, connecting interior to exterior. Love the texture and warmth of materials as a counterpoint to the exterior views. The interior circulation encourages student/ faculty interaction while also visually connecting to outdoor views and campus spaces. Hope as the campus grows, new buildings can leverage these outdoor spaces and create meaningful and climateappropriate exterior courtyards and circulation. Great Basin College — Health Sciences Building ARCHITECT: VAN WOERT BIGOTTI ARCHITECTS | CATEGORY: INSTITUTIONAL/CIVIC | LOCATION: WINNEMUCCA, NV LEARNING CORRIDOR upon entering CAMP 36 Northern Nevada Architecture .23