Pub. 3 2020 Directory

17 AIA WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGION UPDATE 2020 BY NATE HUDSON, AIA – WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGION SENIOR DIRECTOR AND 2020 AIANN PRESIDENT T he Western Mountain Region has spent the past year listening to our components and finding opportunities to assist with their needs during this very unusual year. Our perspectives have changed as new information unfolds, reminding us of how delicate the human condition is and how beautiful the society we all help shape can be when we get it right. Given the AIA Convention Resolution 18-7, “A Study of AIA Regions, and April vote by the National Board of Directors, the future of the WMR appear uncertain at this time however regional leadership will be reaching out to stakeholders in the coming year to help design a future multi-state coalition that better meets the needs of both state with a common purpose but also the individual leaders who represent their state in the national dialogue. With this, it requires all of us to re-evaluate our priorities and dig deep to find how to help in the most impactful ways possible. It is with that understanding that I know the future of our multi-state collaboration will come together to do what we do best: sharing and connecting through our strong and respected network of colleagues to help our components meet their membership’s needs.” WMR Conference in Albuquerque NM, originally scheduled for September 30th - October 3rd 2020 was postponed until 2021 however the WMR Executive Committee continued to convene the WMR Council during virtual meetings throughout the year and administered the 2020 Design and Honor Awards program with the help of AIA New Mexico. With the above reduction of travel, misc. expenses normally accrued by the WMR, and prudency with the use of budgetary funds over the past few years, the WMR is financially situated to help our components through these unprecedented times. While 2020 regional dues have been abated by 50%we’re currently looking to propose equal if not a further reduction during 2021 ensuring our commitment to each of our states during these unprecedented times. We believe the WMR stands for much more than a 61-year-old antique structure … we are a community of colleagues, a common thread between 6 divergent states and all of the glories and energies that embody them. We have so much more in common than we have apart, and we, together, are the professionals and colleagues to lean on, for support, in times like these. The WMR thanks each of our 6 states for being an active participant in making this OUR region and giving it the life, vitality, and expectation of something great. AIA WESTERN MOUNTAIN REGION ELECTION RESULTS We’re very pleased to announce new Western Mountain leaders to begin their terms in 2021 but most excited to share that our very own 2020 AIA Northern Nevada Associate Director Maggie Will, Call us to find out how you can earn a continuing education credit while learning about the opportunities that custom digital printed wallcoverings can provide to accentuate your next project! Reprographics Center “It’s Our Job To MakeYou Look Good!” 775-827-4441 Assoc. AIA was recently elected to the AIA WMR in the position of Regional Associate Director! Congratulations Maggie! Regionally Elected Positions [by delegate vote]: 2021-2023 WMR Director and National Strategic Councilor - Mark Ryan, AIA (AIA Las Vegas/AIA Nevada) 2021-2022 WMR Treasurer - Zach Taylor, AIA (AIA Colorado) Executive Committee Appointed Positions 2021-2022 Regional Associate Director – Maggie Will, Assoc. AIA (AIA Northern Nevada/AIA Nevada) 2021-2022 CACE Representative to the WMR Executive Committee - Diana Smith, AIA AZ (AIA Phoenix Metro/AIA Arizona) 2021 WMR Pettigrew Leadership Award This year our jury consisted of: Jessica Parmenter – At-Large Director for the National Associates Committee Kyle Palzer – At-Large Director for the National Associates Committee Rachel Martinelli – California Regional Associate Director for the National Associates Committee After thoughtful consideration they concluded that Julianna Sorrell, Assoc. AIA, 2020-2021 Phoenix Metro Associate Director from Arizona is the 2021 WMR Pettigrew Leadership Award winner! Congratulations to the successful candidates and heart felt respect to all of those who ran for regional elected or appointed office this year. Your commitment to our region and ambition to help lead our organization into the future is admirable. Thank you. b