Pub. 3 2020 Directory

22 NORTHERN NEVADA ARCHITECTECTURE .20 | 2020 | My name is Grace Brooks and I have chosen architecture as my avenue for making an impact. It is through Montana State’s program that I have gained an appreciation of design and the impact architects can have on the world around us. I want to be an architect because I want to create places where people can tell their stories. I want to blur the boundary between what already exists and what is yet to be home. I want to make an impact on this world. I want to make an impact in someone else’s life. I want to write my portion of the story of humanity. GRACE BROOKS Hi, m and year the Univers minorin and a archite natura why I sustain on the and th in str constru very m and h space though influen hopefu RYAN I am currently a 5th year at California Polytechnic State University studying Architecture with a minor in Environmental Sustainability. Entering into our thesis year I am exploring architecture in the context of perception and experience utilizing pattern as a formal generator to alter and exploit interaction within the built environment. Outside of studio I am involved with Orchesis, Cal Poly’s Dance Company and having been born and raised in the Sierra Nevadas can also be found hiking the Morros or exploring the multitude of beach towns that surround us. After graduation I hope to further my education and earn my license to further pursue the field of architecture. JORDYN VOSS I grew up in Reno, Nevada - the biggest little city in the world! Sketching and architecture go hand in hand and that was my sole connection to the design world when I went to school. I quickly fell in love with designing buildings and the collaborative environment of the architecture school studio space. I like working in the shop - wood, steel, and cast concrete have all been good avenues for my creative endeavours making models, planters, benches, boxes, etc. I always enjoy catching the latest ‘This American Life’ podcast because of the storytelling and the personal connection. I enjoy building those connections amongst the large teams of designers and consultants who imagine and construct the built environment. I love learning, and it seems like in this field, we do more and more everyday - it’s what keeps me coming back for more, ready and excited! ERIC KUHN GRACE BROOKS My name is Grace Brooks and I have chosen arc itecture as my avenue f r making an impact. It is through Montana State’s program that I have gained an appreciation of design and the impact architects can have on the world around us. I want to be an architect because I want to cre te places here people can tell their stories. I want to blur the boundary between what already exists and what is yet to be home. I want to make an impact on this world. I want to make an impact in someone else’s life. I want to write my portion of the story of humanity. JORDYN VOSS I am currently a 5th year student at California Polytechnic State Universi y studying Architecture with a minor in Environmental Sustainability. Entering into our thesis year I am exploring architecture in the context of perception and experie utilizing pattern as a formal ge erator to alter and exploit interaction within the built environment. Outside of studio I am involved with Orchesis, Cal Poly’s Dance Company and having been b rn and raised in the Sierra Nevadas can also be found hiking the Morros or exploring the multitude of beach towns that surround us. After graduation I hope to further my education and earn my license to further pursue the field of architecture. ERIC KUH I grew up in Reno, Nevada - the biggest little city in the world! Sketc ing and archite ture go hand in hand and that was my sole connection to the design world when I went to school. I quickly fell in love with designing buildings nd th collabo ative environment of the architecture school studio space. I like working in the shop - wood, steel, and cast concrete have all been good avenues for my creative endeavours making models, planters, be ches, boxes, e c. I always enjoy catching the latest ‘This American Life’ podcast because of the storytelling and the personal connection. I enjoy building those connections amongst the large teams of designers and consultants who imagine and construct the built environment. I love learning, and it seems like in this field, we do more and more everyday - it’s what keeps me coming back for more, ready and excited!