Pub 3 2020-2021 Issue 1

20 SMALL PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINEE GRANITE — US-89; SR-203 TO 40TH ST. SMALL PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINEE GRP SR-92 AF CANYON Construction on SR-92 and SR-144 consisted of 1.5- inch to 3-inch mill and overlay over 11.4 miles using both HMA and SMA mixes. Throughout the project, we placed 7,615 tons of HMA and 21,113 tons of SMA. Most of the work was done at night while maintaining one open lane throughout the duration of the project. A new foundation was constructed for the fee booth in a new location at the mouth of American Fork Canyon. The majority of the canyon road was widening by 2-4 feet, improving the safety of motorists and cyclists. Material disincentives were nominal because of the rigou- rous quality control standards performed and maintained by our asphalt plant operators and design team. Frequent testing and process improvement is a key to the success of Geneva Rock’s consistently high-quality materials. Along with frequent testing at the asphalt plant, compaction testing of placed material is key in a high-quality roadway. Geneva Rock employed a tester on-site for the duration of paving operations to ensure that SMA and HMA reached optimum compaction numbers. Proper compaction and a smooth roadway also resulted in high incentive bonuses for both HMA and SMA. 3 The US-89; SR-203 to 40th St. project involved the rehabilitation of the existing roadway on a very busy stretch on US-89 in Ogden, Utah. Due to the sig- nificant traffic counts passing through the corridor daily, this mill and overlay project was required to take place at night, with lane closures and intersec- tion work being coordinated with both the Ogden Regional Medical Center and the local fire and police departments. The overlay work was later followed by grooved-in tape and epoxy paint operations in addi- tion to various safety upgrades to the crash cushions, guardrail, signage, and pedestrian access ramps. 3