SMALL PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINEE SR-96; MP 18 TO JCT. US-6 The SR-96 project’s major work items were SMA, HMA, FSR-HMA (Fiber Strength Reinforcement — Hot Mix Asphalt) and some roto-milling, signs, striping, and various other items. The project had some deep milling where we placed FSR-HMA for 1,500 tons. Geneva Rock added a scratch course roughly four miles long that was 1,940 tons of HMA. After paving, the entire job was coated with 730 tons of SMA. The project was successful in achieving over $30k in material incentives and $30k in smoothness incentives. The combination of Geneva Rock’s exceptional team, stakeholders and subcontractors delivered this project on time and under budget by nearly $500k. This project was joint bid with another Region 4 project, US-6; Emma Park Road. It was also unique with the FSRHMA and the close proximity of a high-profile railroad that UPRR (Union Pacific Railroad) utilizes frequently. Due to varied uses, Geneva Rock was required to maintain access to the public during the many phases of construction. The trickiest part of the project was working with the Union Pacific Railroad on the crossing near the junction of US-6 on SR-96. A joint decision was made between all parties that, during the roto-milling and paving portions of the project, traffic controls with flagging would be used for the safety of the public and workers at this busy intersection. The safety on this project was truly exceptional with over 4,000 hours worked. This project was completed without lost time or recordable injury and zero safety incidents within construction teams or the public. The project, in many ways, was a simple resurfacing of a worn-downand-out highway surface. The work performed extended the life of the roadway and enhanced the roadway surface while providing improved safety features with the addition of center and side rumble strips and the elimination of soft spots. This limited the unnecessary disturbance of the natural ground and vegetation. The drainage features and shoulder grading also enhance the functional and aesthetic features. The completed road in the grandeur of the fall setting is a sight to behold. SMALL PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINEE I-15; 2600 S. TO PAGES LANE; (DAVIS COUNTY) This project included an overlay of 1” of Bonded Wearing Course — Type B for 3.5 miles of southbound I-15 through Davis County for a total of 185,000 square yards. The equipment used for this work included a Bearcat Spray Paver, Roadtec Shuttle Buggy, and 84-inch rollers. The project also included 137 cubic yards of soft spot repair using ½-inch PG6434 HMA, a 3/8-inch HMA level course and pre-profile grinding for smoothness. Other items of work on the project included grooving for pavement marking tape with thermos plastic messaging, (Roadsafe), pavement shouldering with untreated base course, (Rowser Construction), and various tree trimming and removal activities, (Diamond Tree Experts). This project is unique in the fact that the allowable traffic control window for closing multiple lanes was from 10 pm to 5 am, essentially restricting available paving hours to a total of five when one hour for traffic control setup and one hour for takedown and temporary striping was factored in. The project team utilized weekends, and specifically the Saturday night into Sunday day shift, for a longer pacing window which included two full passes, or seven miles of paving in one long shift. This project was completed a total of 15 days ahead of schedule and achieved full early completion incentive for time. This project achieved a perfect safety record with zero incidents or recordables in 1,100 manhours worked. This project was a challenge to get started as there was no Highway Patrol support available to start the project due to other concurrent UDOT projects. Instead, with the help of the department, we utilized UDOT incident management personnel to help set up and take down traffic control and keep the crew safe. This greatly reduced the speed of traffic through the work zone and allowed the work to progress through one of the busiest sections of I-15 in the state. The plant achieved excellent mix quality, earning $14,000 in AC and graduation incentives on six separate lots. This project smoothness incentive totaled $102,000 on approximately 21 lane miles. This project was a success for Geneva Rock, Consor Engineering, UDOT Region 1 and the traveling public. 37