Pub. 3 2020-2021 Issue 3

30 continued from page 29 • Show active appreciation for the work being done. After all, building and maintaining roads is important. It improves the quality of life for everyone. • Write schedules in advance and rotate less desirable shifts, like the night shift. People need to know as soon as possible when they will have a day off, and crews also appreciate knowing they won’t be stuck on a bad shift forever. • Give new employees some time to acclimate to the work they’ll be doing. For the first week or two, have new employees watch safety videos and meet with people to get acquainted. This introductory time gives you a chance to educate them about expectations and help them be invested in what they will be doing from the very beginning. • Check up on new hires regularly after they start working. For example, see how they are doing after 30, 60 and 90 Even though the obvious solution for a workforce shortage is to recruit more people, retention still matters because the long-term solution is to ensure those recruits are happy. days. Ask them whether they are getting enough training. Make sure their benefits have been set up correctly. Schedule regular training sessions about industry trends and equipment, too, so employees stay current. Ensure they know about any career-growth opportunities you offer. • Invest in leadership education for supervisors a minimum of once a year. Even though the obvious solution for a workforce shortage is to recruit more people, retention still matters because the long-term solution is to ensure those recruits are happy. As a result, companies that retain their employees have a definite advantage over less-savvy competitors because constant turnover is expensive. Many problems are outside your control, but you can create a good workplace environment. Take advantage of that fact. Your business will be much more likely to thrive if you do. 3