Michael Masquelier, Chief Commercial Officer at ASPIRE, Utah State University Engineering Research Center, spoke at the SAPA conference in Park City, and his message was well-received by those in attendance. On September 20-21, the ASPIRE ERC Industry & Innovation Day will be held at the University of Colorado Boulder. We hope you can attend this exciting and educational event. Some highlights of the event will include: • A Center Poster Networking Event • Four “Mini” Workshops led by our Industry & Innovation partners focused on key topics • Keynote Speaker and Q&A Session with Amit Golalipour, FHWA • A Tour of the National Renewable Energy Lab For more information or to attend this event, please email Don Linford, ASPIRE Director — Innovation (IIB), at don.linford@usu.edu or Reed Ryan, UAPA Executive Director, at reed@utahasphalt.org. and transportation systems. This will inform critical decisions today on infrastructure investments to accelerate our path to clean air and a reduced cost to move people and goods.” Comments and questions regarding this article may be directed to John Gleason, Director of Public Relations for the Utah Department of Transportation, at jgleason@utah.gov. 29