Pub. 6 2024 Issue 2

QUALITY IN PAVEMENT PRESERVATION NOMINEE IVINS SLURRY SEAL MORGAN PAVEMENT Commencing on April 26, 2023, and reaching completion just three days later, this project embodies the routine yet essential work that we do. Spearheaded by Ivan Tavarez, David Hernandez and Lisandro Cruz, our team faced an everyday task, but with an extraordinary twist. The challenge was the distance. Located five hours from our headquarters, the logistics of transporting equipment, materials and our dedicated 13-man crew required meticulous planning and execution. With a large investment, covering 800,000 square feet, our team worked seamlessly, utilizing four slurry trucks and managing 600 tons of sand. Safety, as always, remained our top priority, with no accidents reported thanks to effective traffic control and daily safety training. But not all went as planned. A brand new slurry truck crucial to our operation malfunctioned, yet our team did not falter; we adapted, showcasing our ability to overcome unexpected challenges and completing the project with reduced resources. SMALL PROJECT OF THE YEAR NOMINEE SR-8; SUNSET BLVD. MP 0-1.3 WESTERN ROCK PRODUCTS This 1.3-mile project was a high-volume rehabilitation that consisted of a 2-inch mill & overlay of four travel lanes and a turn lane. The rehabilitation was designed with a stone matrix asphalt (SMA) surface overlay to provide optimum durability and drainage. An additional specification included a type one (1) classification for ride or smoothness. 4,827 tons of SMA were paved on the project. Approximately the same quantity of roto-mill tailings was hauled to the quarry, where they will be recycled for future bituminous paving projects. The project was in an urban interval of state route eight (SR-8) between the busy Bluff Street (SR-18) intersection and Dixie Drive. In addition to St. George, Sunset Boulevard is a primary connector that serves Santa Clara, Ivins and Kayenta. 32