Pub. 6 2024 Issue 3

Contextual Clarity (Explicit Instructions) • Imagine you’re placing asphalt on a project. Just as you’d specify the layer thickness and compaction requirements, be explicit in your prompts to Hey NAPA. • Instead of asking, “How do I improve pavement durability?” try, “What are recommended compaction levels for interstate asphalt pavement surface layers that serve high-traffic volumes in the cold/wet region of the United States?” • By providing context and clear instructions, Hey NAPA can better understand your query and offer more precise answers. Role Definition • Think of Hey NAPA as your seasoned asphalt expert. When you approach an industry expert on-site, you wouldn’t say, “Tell me everything about asphalt.” Instead, you’d ask specific questions related to your role. • For instance, if you’re a quality control engineer, prompt Hey NAPA with, “As a quality control engineer, can you share with me what material properties can be monitored to help ensure quality asphalt mix production beyond the compliance requirements of the owner agency?” • Defining your role ensures Hey NAPA tailors its responses to your expertise level. Formatting Request • Just as you’d request asphalt mixture test results in a specific format (say, in specific units or reported to a set level of significant figures), ask Hey NAPA for information in a structured manner. • Instead of a vague query like, “Tell me about asphalt binder,” try, “Provide a list of 4 commonly used Performance Graded (PG) asphalt binders and include a concise comparison of these products.” • Specific formats lead to more focused, relevant answers. Content Limitation • Just as a paving project can limit the length and/or time window of a lane closure to minimize the disruption to traffic, consider content limitations for Hey NAPA. • Specify guardrails to avoid overly complex or irrelevant answers. • For instance, you might prompt, “Concisely compare Steel Wheel Rollers and Pneumatic Tire Rollers in the compaction of asphalt pavements, focus on the impact each roller type has on the final pavement density and surface texture.” • By setting these limitations, you ensure relevant and actionable responses. Practical Examples • Asphalt professionals thrive on real-world scenarios. Hey NAPA appreciates practical examples too! • Instead of a theoretical question like, “What’s the impact of air voids on asphalt performance?” try, “We are measuring excess in-place air voids on a pavement resurfacing project, can you explain how this could affect rutting resistance in the asphalt pavement surface layer?” • Real-world examples resonate better and enhance understanding. Conversation Flow (Follow-up Questions) • Real-world project discussions often involve back-and-forth dialogues. Hey NAPA can handle it! • After receiving an answer, follow up: “Interesting! Can you elaborate on …?” • Conversations allow you to dig deeper and explore nuances. 6 EFFECTIVE PROMPTING TECHNIQUES TAILORED TO HEY NAPA & THE ASPHALT PAVEMENT INDUSTRY For more details and to learn more about Hey NAPA visit 2 1 3 4 5 6 17