Pub. 6 2024 Issue 3

Escalante Municipal Airport Rehabilitate Runway (60’ x 5,032’), Taxiways and Apron work will consist of performing pavement preservation on the runway, taxiway network and the apron. Markings will be removed, cracks will be routed, cleaned out and filled with crack seal. Following the crack sealing, a rejuvenating seal coat will be applied, the pavement markings will be repainted and Type I, Gradation A glass beads will be applied. Construction Bid: $188,170 Green River Municipal Airport (2023 project) The Green River Municipal Airport Project constructed two schedules containing defined tasks to be performed on Taxiway A4 and Runway 13/31. Bids were received from two participating contractors. Both contractors included individual detailed estimates of their costs to complete the tasks delineated in the schedule. The lowest overall bid was submitted by, and the contract was awarded to Kilgore Companies dba LeGrand Johnson. Schedule I involved the removal of Taxiway A4 and rehabilitation work on Runway 13/31. The pavement removal/rehabilitation work included pavement removal and pulverization, compaction, asphalt paving, grading, friction testing and remarking. Construction Bid: $327,361 32