Pub. 1 2020-2021 Issue 2

29 I spent the time here in Utah learning all of the ways in which members can influence their world. I am grateful to every member. As AIA Utah continues to grow, I hope you will connect to communities you perhaps have not yet, because I think that will allow you to expand your knowledge at the same time you increase a sphere of influence. Some of the outcomes will look like failures; I assure you they are not. They are continued attempts at success that will help AIA Utah build resilience and working capacity. You’re going to increase our stamina and strength as a group recovering from COVID and racial unrest, and that will take time, consideration, and measured thought. But I know that if any group of individuals can come together to make it happen, it’s AIA Utah members. Everywhere I have been in this nation, I have bragged about how AIA Utah members are poised and ready to take on tough issues, and now should be no different. It won’t be easy at first, perhaps, to come back together after over a year apart. You’ll have to relearn some things and maybe even disabuse yourself from others. But I know I’m looking forward to the journey, as it takes the Wilson family and myself to Oregon; I hope you are looking forward to the future as well. Although I will not be right here, I won’t be far, and I’ll still be in AIA, so I look forward to seeing how your individual contributions can make your AIA that much more valuable to you. My tenure has been an exciting time of expansive growth, and I thank you for trusting me to lead. Let’s continue to change this world for the better, together, wherever we are. b Gratefully Yours in Design, Heather Wilson