Pub. 4 2023-2024 Issue 4

1,500 Architectural Books and Over 23,000 Slides What Your Children Certainly Do Not Want! Donating and Contributing Professional Materials BY WILLIAM MILLER, FAIA, ACSA DISTINGUISHED PROFESSOR As retirement approaches, an important issue can emerge: What to do with one’s professional materials? What should happen to my project files, documents, drawings and models, professional library, slides, etc.? Forming a strategy for potentially donating or contributing these materials should certainly be a consideration. Especially since family members may well not know how to dispose of such materials. During my 40-year career as a university faculty member and academic administrator, I accumulated a library of some 1,500 architectural books and over 23,000 slides. The volumes are divided into two categories: 850 books on architecture in general (design, history, theory, technology, etc.), while 650 works focused on Nordic architecture and art. The second is a result of my primary scholarly and research agenda; Alvar Aalto and Nordic Modern Architecture. The slides were generated during numerous foreign and domestic travels to augmented lectures and presentations in my teaching. Upon retiring, I concentrated on caregiving for my late wife, Beverly, who had Alzheimer’s. Once she passed, I focused upon the 30-year accumulation of “stuff” in the house. Several years before the pandemic, I decided it was time to sort and clean out the “stuff.” This included culling and discarding everything from boxes of family photographs, financial files, to all manner of flotsum and jetsum. Then one day I was sitting in my study and looked around and said, “What about the books and slides?” Ominously, at the same time there appeared a news feed with a link to “The ten things your children don’t want!” The first item was books! As an academic, I was aware that university libraries often accept donations of books, slides, and other materials. But I had two collections: a general one and a highly specific one. In 2019, for my general architectural library, I contacted Gregory Thompson, the then Associate Dean for Special Collections at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah. He was delighted to receive 850 general architectural books and some 14,000 slides. I gladly dropped 28 boxes of books and three slide holding cases off at the Marriott. They developed a list of the materials donated, prepared the papers concerning the gift, and suggested that I contact a local IRS approved appraiser to claim the tax deduction I was entitled to. I did, and it was well worth it! (The appraiser is Jerry Erkelens at My Nordic art and architecture collection required a more circumspect process. The question became “Where could I place them so they would be appreciated and researchers would have access to them?” After exploring the possibilities, I contacted the National Nordic Museum in Seattle. They expressed interest and wanted to know the full contents of the collection. Just at that time the pandemic hit and everything closed down. During this time, I developed a catalogue of the material, and in early 2021 when things began opening up, I sent them the catalogue. They were delighted to be offered the collection and willingly transported it from Salt Lake to Seattle. I waved goodbye when the 23 boxes of materials left the house. They also prepared the gifting papers and I returned to my IRS approved appraiser for tax purposes. Again, well, well worth it! Needless to say, my sons were ecstatic to have these libraries dealt with and placed in very suitable and appropriate locations. And I continue to enjoy looking at empty bookshelves (sort of). For us in the Utah architectural community, we are fortunate as there is the Specials Collections at the Marriott Library at the University of Utah which has accepted donations of books, office archives, etc. If you are wondering what to do with your professional materials, consider contacting them. And we have an excellent IRS approved appraiser to assist you with tax filings. Moreover, your family members will be delighted! 13