Pub. 5 2024-2025 Issue 1

Building connections from concept to completion.™ | (801) 466-1699 bring a politically disparate group of “river stewards” together to address “our common unifying concern” — that our central Texas rivers and springs, the lifeblood of the hill country, may not be flowing for future generations unless we do something. We are making some success on a regional basis, where solutions and problem-solving trump politics, and, hopefully, will have a trickle-up effect within the state before it is too late. But in any case, we are using these real challenges to bring people together. It is a long journey, but important to get the ball rolling. What do you wish you knew when you were a young practitioner? It is a long game, the making of good architecture. It takes a lot of patience, collaboration and thoughtful persuasion to move opportunities to their best possible place. And remember, it is incremental, each project and collaboration grows into the next, and though it is important to be passionate and push hard for “what is right,” it is equally important not to overthink your opportunities. Because if you think of it as a long game, you will have many new opportunities in the future. Where do you hope the field is going, and how can we help it get there? We must, as architects, be part of the global effort to solve climate change. We cannot afford to get it wrong, we must be striving to not only make thoughtful sustainable and adaptable buildings, but we should be making advocates of our clients and fellow architects in the process. The days of building buildings that are torn down in 20 years because they are out of style, not adaptable or are not sustainable for the long haul, are over. The world desperately needs our leadership. 9