Pub. 10 2021-2022 Issue 2

PUB YR 10 2021-2022 | ISSUE 2 25 Covering Third Quarter 2021 Page 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 YTD Market share (%) - also indicated by size of circles 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 % change in YTD new vehicle registrations Kia Hyundai Toyota Mazda Lexus Volkswagen Mercedes Jeep Ford Chevrolet Subaru Nissan Honda Volvo Land Rover BMW Audi Tesla Ram GMC Category Domestic European Japanese Korean BRAND SCOREBOARD - PART ONE Tesla, Volvo, and Chevrolet Had Largest Percentage Increases The graph below presents a well-rounded view of brand sales results in the county market. It shows both the percentage change in registrations so far this year versus year earlier (vertical axis) and market share (horizontal axis, also denoted by relative size of the circles). Brand category (Domestic, European, Japanese, or Korean) is identified by color of the circles. Brands on the right side of the graph have higher market share, and those at the top have had larger percentage gains in registrations. Typically, brand sales performance is a function of such factors as new product cadence, market- ing, incentives, and dealership sales performance. But during 2021, brand results have primarily been determined by vehicle supplies and availability. Data Source: AutoCount data from Experian. San Diego County Market Share (YTD ‘21 thru September) and Percent Change in Registrations (YTD ‘21 thru Sept. vs. YTD ‘20) Top 20 Selling Brands Toyota and Honda were market share leaders in San Diego County. Tesla had the largest % gain in registrations, but market share trailed Toyota and Honda. Continued on page 26